Chapter 857: Medicine Refining Competition 3
Master... He hurt her but gave her medicine. Why is this? Is there something else hidden? ?

Nalan Yue couldn't help turning around, looking at his back as he walked away, his back was tall and resolute, but there was always a faint loneliness appearing around him.

She suddenly had a sore nose, and shouted at him in a low voice, no matter how many people were watching around, "It's still the same sentence, I will definitely become your apprentice!!"

for sure!
And she must find out the reason why Master is indifferent to her. She doesn't believe that a person can really become another person just by changing time and space!

Just like her, even though she is wearing this body, her soul is still herself! !Not anyone else! !

So the master must be too!

Ye Wuzun suddenly paused in his forward steps, and did not look back, but a slight smile curved his mouth.

He was waiting...waiting for her to become his apprentice again!

As for those annoying demons, Ye Wuzun's eyes flickered and he frowned, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Qinglong College, at the square
All the first and second graders returned to the team, except for Xiao Ziyu who was dead. The school had notified his family of his death.

However, I heard that the Xiao family was very noisy. After all, Xiao Ziyu is the only child in the family, but because he signed a life and death certificate when choosing a task, it can be said that it does not matter even if the college is irresponsible, but the school still does it!
They can't justify their troubles anymore!
After all, the dead cannot be brought back to life, but the living still have to go on. After the death of the third elder, Nalan Yue has been depressed for a long time because she avenged Xiao Ziyu, and finally her mood improved a lot.

The big square was crowded with people, and they were handing in tasks in an orderly manner. When it was time for Nalan Yue's group, everyone went to hand in the tasks together.

I still went to the Heishou teacher who handed in the task. Heishou teacher saw that they could come back after choosing a dangerous task, and he already decided in his heart that they had not completed the task!

"Don't be discouraged even if you don't complete the task. After all, life comes first and competition comes second. You have done a good job!" Teacher Heishou couldn't help but comfort the students in front of him.

Nalan Yue and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the words "dumb in capital letters" in each other's eyes!
What's the situation?
Is it...

"Teacher Hei, did you forget to take your medicine in the morning?" Baby Fengchu immediately spoke out what everyone was thinking, and referred to Mr. Hei Shou as Mr. Hei!

Teacher Hei Shou was stunned for a moment, and asked submissively, "I'm not sick!" Why does he need to take medicine!

"All the mentally ill in this world say that they are not sick!" Nalan Yue and the others couldn't help shouting in unison, and each of them gave him a big white eye the size of a watermelon!

"Damn it!" Teacher Hei Shou couldn't help but swear, the current students are really kind enough to treat them like donkeys!
Hey, don't say it!

"I won't comfort you anymore!" Teacher Hei Shou waved his hands at them tiredly, "Hurry up, I'm upset just looking at you!"

"We haven't handed in the mission yet!"

"Aren't you unfinished!" Teacher Hei Shou despised them, picking at the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"When will we say that we haven't finished!" Nalan Yue and the others yelled at him again, please, it's clear that he was masturbating there by himself!

Blame them!

"Then..." Teacher Hei Shou seemed to have thought of something, and kicked away the fallen chair beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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