Chapter 865 Amazing 3
The reason why he didn't come out until she fell asleep was that he didn't want his appearance to affect her medicine refining competition tomorrow.

"Yue'er, wait for me..." The man's voice was deep and sweet, drifting further and further away.

Ye Jin's figure also completely disappeared in the vast darkness, as if there was no sign of her presence in the quiet world.

On the bed, Nalan Yue's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened, her pupils were extremely clear, and there was no trace of sleepiness!

It was clear that she felt his presence, and at the same time, she heard his last words very clearly, "I'll wait for you..."

Thinking of this, she immediately got up from the bed, opened the window and picked up the blue demon flower that the man pinned by the window.

Leaning against the bed and quietly smelling the fragrance of flowers, a gleam of moonlight poured down from her head, casting a light glow on her whole body, and the white dress fluttered, making her look unreal.

The flirtatious flower seemed to have the warmth of his fingertips on the path of the flower. Nalan Yue smiled lightly, with a stunning arc blooming at the corner of her mouth.

And the reason why she waited for him to leave before opening her eyes was because she didn't want him to be distracted by herself.

You see, they both think about each other and will be happy in the end.

The night passed, and Nalan Yue got up early, looking at the blue demon flower in the water bottle, her mood suddenly became very good.

At least she knew that no matter how far Ye Jin was from him, her heart was always with her!

Murong Qing'er also got up early, sneaked into her room, and told her how many top students there were in the medicine refining competition, "Boss, there are two top students in the medicine refining branch, one is Leng Xi'er and the other is... It's Beihuangge from the third grade, you don't need me to say that the former one knows her, but the latter has a lot of background!"

"Oh...what's the background?" Nalan Yue sipped her tea and couldn't help raising her head to ask her.

Murong Qing'er smiled mysteriously, "He is the prince of Lin Guo, he has a great status, and the most important thing is that his talent in refining medicine is so much higher than that of Gao Leng Xi'er! Boss, he is your most difficult opponent!"

Nalan Yue nodded in understanding, but didn't the third graders all go to the front line?
When she asked this question, Murong Qing'er rolled her eyes, and Murong Qing'er raised her forehead, "Boss, can't you gossip a little bit! Those who go to the front line in the third grade do not include those from the Alchemy Branch! However, This Beihuangge is an exception, he could have gone to the front line originally, but he stayed for this competition!"

"So, Boss must not take it lightly!"


Nalanyue remembered her care, but she was a little curious about the prince of Lin Guo!

"Students of all grades who signed up for the competition are invited to gather in Building A now!"

Qinglong Academy was shocked by this voice!
Nalan Yue is not here anymore to talk to Murong Qing'er, after saying hello to a few friends, she went to gather!

The first test was a written test. The test room was in the main hall of Building A of the college. The main hall covers a large area and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Except for the students in the competition and the invigilator, no one is allowed to watch the competition, and it is only open when refining medicine!

Unfortunately, Leng Xi'er was sitting next to her, and there was a one-meter-long passage between the two tables.

Nalan Yue glanced at her casually, saw that there was no scar on her neck, and smiled sarcastically, could the fact of being beaten by her be erased without a scar?

As soon as Leng Xi'er saw her, she couldn't help grinding her back molars. Thinking of being beaten into a dog by her in front of so many people, she wished she could tear Nalan Yue into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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