Chapter 866 Amazing 4
Seeing her murderous gaze, Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth, sat indifferently on her seat, treating her like a dog.

Leng Xi'er stared at her for a long time, seeing her indifferent appearance, she didn't want to make fun of herself anymore, but the viciousness in her eyes did not diminish.

So what if it makes you proud for a while, when the time comes you will cry!
She seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and that smile looked extremely pervasive.

Nalan Yue didn't notice her change, but even if she did, she didn't bother to guess the dog's mind.

After the test papers were handed out, the invigilator and Ye Wuzun sat on a high place above them, and they could see all the candidates in their eyes just by lowering their eyes.

Nalan Yue saw it, Mo Sang was sitting on it, but there was no sign of Principal Nanfeng!
But this is not within the scope of her concern, so Nalan Yue stopped thinking about it and concentrated on looking at the questions on the test paper.

When she saw the topic, she laughed immediately. To be honest, there was no difficulty!

Of course, this is also from her point of view, because these things are in the library, the books behind the wall where the Five Elements Map is sealed!

Nalan Yue felt that if she said this, she might be beaten by the world's scumbags, so it's better to keep a low profile!

But Leng Xi'er turned her face slightly, saw that she was staring at the test paper in a daze, and couldn't help but sneered, "Idiot!" Just because you can also become Ye Wuzun's apprentice?

It’s ridiculous!

Yes, when Nalan Yue boldly shouted these words at the entrance of the Devil's Forest, almost everyone who was not deaf heard it!

Especially the candidates present, they even sneered at her!
Nalan Yue naturally heard the word "idiot". She glanced at her jokingly, then looked at the invigilators on the stage...

Suddenly, Leng Xi'er had a bad feeling!
Sure enough, Nalan Yue said loudly in the next second, "Teacher, the classmate next to me said just now that she was going to cheat! She asked me to cover it up for her, but how could I do such an unscrupulous thing! So I will notify the mentors as soon as possible to prove my innocence!"

What Nalan Yue said was true, and her expression was extremely calm, as if what she said was true!
Many students looked at her, some were suspicious, some were convinced, some were even more disdainful...

And the invigilators above couldn't help whispering to each other, they did see Leng Xi'er's mouth move just now, but her voice was too low, so they couldn't hear clearly.

Now that Nalan Yueyi is fooling her, these invigilators think that Leng Xi'er is really trying to cheat, and ask others to help cover it up!

"Leng Xi'er!" An elderly proctor couldn't help shouting sharply.

"No, invigilator, you must not listen to Nalan Yue's nonsense, how can I cheat, these things are so simple and only she can cheat!" Leng Xi'er blushed, staring at Nalan Yue bitterly Lanyue.

"Hey, she was the one who did the wrong thing, but in the end I was bitten back. It's really...forget it!" Nalan Yue sighed quietly, as if she had suffered endless grievances, she lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

In fact, the moment she lowered her head, a triumphant smile spread on her lips.

Scumbag, I still want to fight with my sisters!
But everyone and even the invigilators on the stage were deceived by her, and the older old man scolded again, "Be quiet, and you, don't try to make small moves under the old man's eyelids, now, The game has started, those who don't want to play can get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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