Chapter 867 Amazing 5
Leng Xi'er's face turned blue and white at the old man's words, and her breath was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get up or down.

Just when he wanted to refute, he was forced to swallow the words in his mouth by the sharp eyes of the old man.

Without the support of the third elder, she has been ridiculed and bullied by countless people in the past few days, and she has tasted both warmth and coldness. If Lan Xuan was not there...

Thinking of Lan Xuan, Leng Xi'er took a light breath, swallowed the annoyance in her heart, secretly glared at Nalan Yue, and twitched the corner of her mouth.

just wait!
Nalan Yue glanced at her sarcastically, picked up the pen, and wrote eloquently.

Those eyes didn't even take aim at the subject!
Seeing this, Leng Xi'er sneered and started to answer the questions with a pen. The competition time is limited, so it's not worth wasting it just to get angry!

On stage
Ye Wuzun couldn't help squinting his eyes. Others may not have noticed the smile on the corner of Nalan Yue's mouth, but how could he not see it.

He has taken an apprentice for 20 years, and her every move has already been engraved in his heart.

The written test lasted half an hour, and the sand in the hourglass had already leaked halfway.

And when Nalan Yue finished the last two questions, she put down her pen, with a thoughtful look on her brows.

For her, the entire test paper is probably only the last two questions that are a bit challenging, but of course they are just challenges and not difficult!
Hmm, Xueba is just so annoying!
And Leng Xi'er saw her stop writing, and twitched the corners of her mouth, heh, finally she can't make up her mind!

Nalanyue really didn't even want to look at this kind of scum who would come to disturb others if she had nothing to do. She thought for a while and finished the last two questions.

Leng Xi'er tilted her head, and from this angle, she could see the titles written by Nalan Yue, which were the last two. As for what she wrote, she couldn't see clearly.

Just relying on her to write the last two questions?

Leng Xi'er gritted her teeth, she absolutely didn't believe that she could write it down, even she had some difficulty answering the last two questions, she didn't believe that Nalanyue could answer them!
Leng Xi'er took it for granted that she couldn't do it, and Nalan Yue couldn't do it!
end of written test
The papers were collected, and after all the invigilators and tutors had left, Leng Xi'er slowly walked towards Nalanyue.

"Hey, the original waste of the Hua Kingdom can also refine medicine?" Her yin and yang tone made people very uncomfortable.

Clearly pulled out Nalan Yue's dark history!
The nearby students who hadn't left were all attracted by the voice and kept whispering.

Nalan Yue glanced at her lightly, then picked up the pen and paper in her hand and left, she was very cold and didn't want to talk to the dog!

"Nalanyue! Stop there!" Seeing her ignoring her, Leng Xi'er almost turned her nose in anger, and raised her hand to block her way.

Nalan Yue put her arms around her arms and looked at her indifferently, she wanted to see what tricks this scum could come up with.

The more she was silent like this, the more she made Leng Xi'er look like a shrew, Leng Xi'er was furious, "I ask you, did you make up nonsense during the exam before!"

She absolutely did not believe that Nalan Yue would understand medicine. She had investigated Nalan Yue's details a long time ago, and it never said that she knew how to refine medicine!

"Midget your own business!" Nalan Yue said coldly, and shot her eyes, "Leng Xi'er, are you busy? My business has nothing to do with you. Take care of yourself! If you bother me again, believe it or not, I'll see you call me again!" once!"

Nalan Yue is really going to be annoyed to death by this scum, every day, who the hell wants to talk to the dog!
"You! Barbaric!" Leng Xi'er stared, she didn't expect Nalan Yue to be so arrogant in public, she opened her mouth immediately and was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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