Chapter 868 Amazing 6
Nalan Yue glanced at her coldly, and strode away, this scumbag thought that she would not dare to do anything under the watchful eyes of everyone!

When does Nalan Yue care about the thoughts of passers-by? She understands too well, as long as you are strong and successful, no one dares to gossip behind your back!

But the problem is that Nalan Yue has not yet become stronger, so those people behind him who don't know why are still whispering.

"Look at Nalan Yue's arrogance! Bah!"

"Isn't that right, I don't know where her sense of superiority comes from, but she has the nerve to shout out that she must be the apprentice of Ye Wuzun, and I will be hahahaha when I step on the horse..." Actually, which candidate here doesn't want to be Ye Wu? Disciples of the Unsung Master, but they dare not say it, but Nalan Yue boldly said it, how can people not be jealous!
"A waste like her, even if she doesn't waste it, it's hard to make a big deal!"

"Hmph, trash should be spent forever! She knows nothing about refining medicine!"

Leng Xi'er listened to everyone's slandering Nalanyue in a good mood, the corners of her mouth raised, but her eyes caught a glimpse of Beihuangge's aloof figure.

Among a group of noisy students, he was the only one who was cold and cold, as if he was not close to strangers.

Seeing this, Leng Xi'er couldn't help walking towards him. The boy was tall, and Leng Xi'er, who was not tall at all, seemed to be a little shorter standing beside him.

Others have the cutest height difference, but she has the cutest height difference!
"Brother Beihuang..." Leng Xi'er suddenly looked at the boy in front of her shyly with her eyes, showing the shyness of a little girl, not as aggressive as she was when she faced Nalanyue before.

Beihuangge heard such a pretentious voice suddenly, and he frowned displeasedly, flashing a look of boredom.

When the surrounding students saw these two people, they immediately looked like they were enjoying the show, especially the second-year candidates.

But the first-year freshmen showed puzzled expressions, wondering how the seniors around them changed from discussing Nalan Yue to looking at Leng Xi'er!
At this time, the gossiping seniors in the second grade began to whisper about Leng Xi'er's shameless pursuit of male gods.

Leng Xi'er has been in love with Beihuangge, the male god of the school since the first grade, and she is very open, playing back and forth, but people hate her in every possible way, but Leng Xi'er just won't give up!
This time, these reserved young ladies dismissed them!
But people still go their own way, and they are determined to catch up with the male god!
The students in the next grade also understood what was going on, so they simply stayed here to watch the show just like the second graders.

At this time, Leng Xi'er was looking at him flatteringly, showing a look of infatuation, and it had to be said that Beihuangge really had the capital to make people obsessed.

Sword brows and star eyes, facial features are cold and hard, but the lines are as handsome as flowing water, but the whole body reveals a cold nobility, which can only be seen from a distance and not profane!

"Brother Beihuang, don't you think Nalanyue was very arrogant just now? She bullied me!" Leng Xi'er even sued!

"My surname is Bei!" Beihuangge dropped these words coldly, and ruthlessly disturbed her with his belongings.

But Leng Xi'er could let the male god go, so she hurried forward and looked at him pitifully, "Okay, Brother Bei is Brother Bei, I like you so much, can't you like me a little bit!"

As she spoke, she even wanted to grab Beihuangge's arm.

"Get out!" The word revealed complete coldness and disgust!

(End of this chapter)

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