Chapter 869 Amazing 7
It seems that if Leng Xi'er really leans her hand on his arm, then she will be her death in the next second!
The people around couldn't help but gasp, sighing at Leng Xi'er's boldness!
But Leng Xi'er herself didn't care, as if she was used to his neglect, she hooked her lips and showed a confident smile.

Only when a man is strong can he be interested in conquering, isn't he!

With an impatient look on her brows, Beihuangge glanced at her coldly, walked around her with her long legs and walked towards the door.

Leng Xi'er looked at his back and clenched her fists, "Brother Beihuang, as long as you don't have someone you like, then you must be mine! If there is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Beihuangge suddenly accelerated the speed of his feet, and then walked straight towards Nalanyue——

She froze on the spot in astonishment, staring at Beihuangge for some unknown reason, unable to say anything.

As for Nalan Yue, the reason why she stopped was because she heard someone say the name "Northern Phoenix Song", she simply wanted to take a look at her biggest opponent in the medicine refining competition this afternoon!

Why is this Beihuangge rushing towards him so aggressively?

For a while, Nalan Yue was also in a daze, until her wrist was grabbed by a big hand with calluses. It must be someone who has been holding a sword all year round. The rough calluses made her feel painful.

Before Nalan Yue had any reaction, she heard a cold voice next to her ear, "She is the one I like, and you, as far as the sun is, just roll away!"

It was he who roared at the dumbfounded Leng Xi'er!
"No...impossible!" Leng Xi'er screamed suddenly, pushed to the table next to her, and rushed over with all her strength, "Brother Beihuang, even if you don't like me, you can't lie to me, let alone yourself. , besides, do you know her!"

Leng Xi'er raised her small face and stared at Nalanyue, her eyes wished she could be skinned alive, but when she looked at Beihuangge, she had a different expression.

Don't be afraid to twist your face!Nalan Yue was speechless, she raised her head and looked at the air-conditioned man beside him, standing beside him seemed to have an air conditioner!

However, did this man have a convulsion, why did he drag her for no reason, did he despise her and have less feud with Leng Xi'er?

"By the way... can you let me go first!" Nalan Yue's voice was cold, and she was useless, she couldn't be the cannon fodder for these two!
Seeing the delicate arm being held struggling non-stop, Beihuangge exerted a little strength, then looked up along the arm, and finally landed directly on Nalanyue's face.

His eyes immediately darkened, as if filled with a layer of smoky and cold darkness, so hazy that people couldn't see the expression in his eyes clearly.

Nalan Yue was startled, such a man is too scheming, but he is the prince and future emperor of a country, so if he is not scheming, he will be disabled!

Thinking of this and cleaning up again, she continued to stare at him calmly, and said again, "Let go!"

She also wanted to shake off his hand, but the man's hand was too tight, like pliers.

Well, she decided to be cold, if this man doesn't let him go, don't blame her for being rude!

However, before Nalanyue had time to be polite, she saw the man in front of her let go of her wrist, and then stared at Leng Xi'er ruthlessly with cold eyes, "Again, I like her Nalanyue, what do you have?" I'm qualified to say that I don't know her!"

(End of this chapter)

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