Chapter 870 Amazing 8
When he said in person that he liked Nalan Yue, whether it was true or not, Leng Xi'er felt a tearing pain in her heart, and she trembled her lips, "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! You are not Get to know Nalan Yue!"

She has been pestering Beihuangge, she is too clear, he and Nalanyue have never met before!

The man still looked at her mercilessly, he was not annoyed or angry because of her words, Wubo's eyes were calm and terrifying, as if he was looking at a lifeless ant!

He moved his lips, "I don't care if you believe it or not, do you think you can control me? Nalanyue, I've had my eye on it for a long time. As for you, your whole body can't compare to her little finger!"

Beihuangge was really angry this time, even swearing, it showed how much he was annoyed by this woman.

Leng Xi'er was heartbroken seeing his disgusted expression, although he often did this before, but never once did he say he liked other women!
Especially this woman is Nalan Yue!
It's not good who he likes, he has to find her enemy - Nalan Yue!This little vixen must have seduced him!definitely is!

Leng Xi'er immediately shot hateful eyes at Nalan Yue, her chest was heaving with extreme anger.

"You vixen, stealing other people's men... Ah, I'm going to kill you!" Adding new grudges to old grudges, Leng Xi'er rushed forward uncontrollably!

"Oh my god... be careful!" The crowd watching the scene couldn't help being stunned when they saw such a big turn around, and when they realized it, it was Leng Xi'er who rushed towards Nalan Yue like crazy.

"Get out of here!!" No matter how much they hated Nalan Yue, no one wanted her to die here. Besides, Leng Xi'er hated her even more. Nalan Yue was arrogant and cold at best, but Leng Xi'er was Cheap!

Comparing the two, everyone still thinks Nalan Yue is better!
Nalan Yue is also innocent!

Before today, she didn't know Beihuangge at all, she hadn't even heard the name before!

But who would have thought that they would be used as a shield for no reason, if the two of them hadn't met each other, she would have thought that Beihuangge was deliberately pulling hatred for herself!
But guys, this Leng Xi'er came to her door... Nalan Yue raised her lips with a sneer, and sent her to her door to beat her up, then she must not be polite!
As soon as she moved a couple of times, before anyone could rush up, Leng Xi'er in front of her was subdued.

Beihuangge grabbed her arm like throwing garbage, Leng Xi'er was thrown away, hit the table with her back, the table instantly fell apart, and she vomited a big mouthful of blood, one can imagine how much he used strength.

People around couldn't help but mourn for her, no, it was a few minutes of silence for the table!
And Beihuangge dragged Nalanyue away directly, and Leng Xi'er, who was vomiting blood, suddenly saw the two leaving "hand in hand", and spit out another mouthful of blood!

Intense and deep hatred rolled in the eyes, you Nalan Yue, how dare you snatch my man!
Beihuangge let her go outside.

Staring at her with clear long eyes, he spit out three words, "Sorry!"

After finishing speaking, he walked away, turned around and called Gao Leng and didn't give Nalan Yue any chance to speak!

Dare you, is this guy admitting that he deliberately used her as a shield?

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched violently, suddenly it seemed as if he was pulling the man back and beating him violently!
But the man's figure had disappeared from her sight, but Murong Qing'er and others came to find him.

(End of this chapter)

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