Chapter 874 He Came 2
Nalan Yue subconsciously glanced at the Northern Phoenix Song, which has been passed down as mythical, and narrowed her eyes, and sure enough, the flame he used gave off a faint purple light, quite a majestic aura of purple energy coming from the east, swallowing mountains and rivers, and Her little Phoenix Divine Fire is not much different.

Then if it is the number one Alien Fire... wouldn't it be even more powerful!
Nalan Yue didn't have time to think so much, the next process was the most difficult, she had to keep absolute concentration!
There must be no errors in each step, otherwise it is very likely that the entire elixir will be destroyed.

In the arena, everyone's actions have basically reached the step of merging herbs, but Nalan Yue chose two mutually exclusive herbs, even with the assistance of other plants, it is still dangerous!
She had to hold her breath and concentrate on observing the medicine cauldron. There was a slight sound of "grunt" in the medicine cauldron, and then Nalan Yue released her mental power to control the heat in her hand.

"Cut—is Nalan Yue's head broken? Doesn't she clearly want to wait for the furnace to explode!"

"It's not that she still puts mutually exclusive medicinal materials together!"

"Haha, I'm doomed!"

In the eyes of everyone, Nalan Yue is simply doing useless work.

Nalan Yue frowned slightly, not because of the sarcasm of outsiders, but because the herbs in the medicine cauldron seemed to be jumping and churning, like live fish flopping on the shore!


It must be that the medicinal properties of the two have not reached the standard!

After a moment of anxiety, Nalan Yue immediately calmed down, analyzed the problem, and quickly picked up another bunch of herbs and put it in——

She was relieved when Yao Ding slowly returned to calm, but her actions like this were simply "sick" in the eyes of others!
Even people who don't know how to refine medicine understand that once it's time to fuse medicinal materials, how can they add medicinal materials at will!
This Nalan Yue is clearly nonsense!

"Forget it, let's just wait quietly for her to explode!"

"It's a blast, I just hope she doesn't delay other people's games!"

"This kind of medicine refining is obviously nonsense, and I don't know how she has the face to say that she wants to be the apprentice of Ye Wuzun, such a thing!"

"So ashamed of her!"

Compared to the irritable audience, Nalan Yue was extremely calm. She naturally knew that doing so would be too dangerous, but if she didn't do it, the pot of medicine would be completely ruined!
If you take will lose!
And how could she lose!
Nalan Yue gently hooked the corners of her mouth, put all her energy on the medicine cauldron, and there was a ring of sweat on her forehead.

Seeing that the critical step of congealing the pill was about to come, but the surrounding air suddenly revealed a bit of coldness, Nalan Yue vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

But she couldn't get away from the refining medicine, so she secretly told Xiao Fenghuang to pay attention to her surroundings.

But right after that, an astonishing thing happened—while the game was still in full swing, several teams of neatly dressed men in black rushed into the academy with a rush of momentum!
Leading the way was a couple in fine clothes, and some young men and women, as if they were all dispatched by a large family.

But each of them held weapons in their hands, their faces were cold, and they looked like they were here to seek revenge!
Because of their arrival, the candidates who were concocting medicine were disturbed for a while, and many students were disturbed so that the furnace exploded, and some people were more or less injured.

The bewildered people looked at this group of menacing people in bewilderment, wondering why they broke in suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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