Chapter 875 He Came 3
On the stage, several elders couldn't sit still, and their tone was very bad, "What is this, Qinglong Academy is where you are arrogant, you have to explain it to the Patriarch of the Xiao family!"

The middle-aged man known as the Patriarch of the Xiao Family sneered, stood up, and glanced at the elders, "I want to explain a fart!"

After rushing to the group of elders, the Patriarch of the Xiao family glanced sharply at the alchemy arena, and finally fixed on a certain direction, his eyes revealed a frightening cold light, just like a leopard that eats people.

"Little bitch, die-" Immediately afterwards, he soared into the air, with a cold sword and hatred on his face, he rushed towards the ring without saying a word.

Rushing towards that beautiful figure...

The whole process didn't take more than half a minute, so no one had time to react.

Seeing that his long sword was about to pierce through Nalanyue, everyone saw the chicken-like bird rushing towards Nalanyue, but none of them could beat a sharp light!

The sword in the hands of the Patriarch of the Xiao family was immediately interrupted by this ray of light, and Nalan Yue...she already felt that the danger was coming, but once she pulled away to resist the pill in her hand, it would definitely be destroyed, but the academy couldn't just sit back and watch , That's why she took a gamble!
But even if someone made a timely move, Nalan Yue was still affected by it, her heart was twitching, a mouthful of fishy sweetness stuck in her throat, and her mental power was also messed up because of the sudden crisis.

In order to protect the elixir in the medicine cauldron, she had to suppress the fishy sweetness in her mouth and clenched her fists tightly. The elixir would take shape in just a few minutes!

It's never too late to take revenge!
Nalan Yue suppressed the cold light in her eyes and concentrated on refining medicine.

The Patriarch of the Xiao family looked down at the broken sword in his hand, and turned his head angrily. He didn't know who dared to stop him. It was Ye Wuzun who frowned and his face softened slightly, "Ye Wu Your lord, this is a private matter of our Xiao family, please don't interfere!"

With Ye Wuzun's reputation on the mainland, even if he is the head of the Xiao family, he will have to give up three points.

From a height, Master Ye Wuzun looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes narrowed slightly revealing a cold light, "In the academy, there are no private matters at all, you are really courageous to kill students in front of the deity!"

His eyes suddenly became ruthless, like a wild beast ready to go, which made the Patriarch of the Xiao family shudder. It was rumored that Ye Wuzun was like a banished immortal, so suddenly, he must be really angry!
The Patriarch of the Xiao family cared about it, but the death of his only son made him irritable and restless, "Your lord, it's not like you don't know about this! Nalanyue, a bitch, she killed my son, and I have to make her pay for it." !"

"Tell me, who told you that Nalanyue killed your son!" Ye Wuzun's indifferent tone made people's heart stagnate, and the soles of their feet felt cold for no reason.

Regarding the matter of Xiao Ziyu's death to save Nalanyue, he declared that Xiao Ziyu died unfortunately, and did not mention Nalanyue at all!

On the ring, when Leng Xi'er heard such a cold voice from Ye Wuzun, her legs softened and her hands trembled in fright. The flames of the refining medicine were messed up by her control, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Many people were attracted by her voice, even Ye Wuzun squinted his eyes, and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate her in a panic.

More and more eyes were focused on her, which made Leng Xi'er even more flustered, as if everyone had seen the darkness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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