Chapter 894 Official Apprenticeship 1
The domain master's mouth twitched slightly.

"..." Nalan Yue was powerless to refute, she was always jealous of her face, but she never thought that someone would call her ugly.

Well, just treat him as a blind eye!

Nalan Yue could comfort herself like this, but Zi You next to her was not happy about it. The person he loved for so long couldn't allow others to slander her.

Even his domain master can't do it!

He took a step forward, his tall body immediately stood in front of Nalan Yue, and he glanced at the domain master displeasedly, "Why are you here!"

"Of course... came to look for you!" The domain master raised the corner of his mouth arrogantly, but when Ziyou interrupted, he ignored Nalanyue.

But Nalan Yue stared at the two of them closely, never thought that Zi Youhui and the domain master would use such a familiar opening, as if they had known each other for many years.

"Looking for me?" Ziyou looked at him, couldn't help but sneered twice, her unwavering eyes seemed to be able to see through his real purpose.

"Otherwise?" The domain master walked towards him as if he didn't notice his strange gaze, with thin lips on his handsome face, "Let's go, go to the domain to chat?"

Nalan Yue was watching from the side, and when she heard this sentence, she suddenly felt that the two of them were... having a date!
Nalan Yue quickly suppressed the smile on her face.

When Ziyou heard the movement, although she didn't know why the little girl suddenly laughed, she still glanced at her innocently, and then stared at the domain master coldly, "Yes, but..."

Ziyou didn't speak any more, but instead looked meaningfully at the three of them on the ground, Lan Xin'er, with a strong killing intent in his eyes!
He can't help her eradicate the big enemies, but these few little shrimps are more than enough!
How could the domain owner not understand what he meant, he pondered for a while, and then said, "They are up to you, but I have to take Lan Xiner away!"

"No." Ziyou pursed her lips coldly, without a trace of compromise in her expression.

Don't think that he doesn't know that these things are all caused by Lan Xin'er, as well as her pursuit of Nalan Yue over and over again.

The domain master stared at him closely, as if he had discovered something interesting, and couldn't help laughing evilly, "Unexpectedly, you care so much about that ugly girl!"

Damn Nima!

Nalan Yue slandered again, ugly girl... ugly girl!
Murong Qing'er next to her couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, and whispered in her ear, "Boss, don't worry, the aesthetics of the realm may be different from ours!"

"..." The domain master is actually blind!

When he heard that Nalan Yue was an "ugly girl", Zi You's eyes tightened instantly, revealing a fierce light, "You better shut up for me!"

The domain owner's face stiffened.


Ziyou's arrogant attitude almost made everyone's jaws drop. What is the identity of the domain owner? Fuck, people are like immortals from the Nine Heavens. It is your blessing to be able to talk to you, okay?
Do you want to be so arrogant!
Even the Xiao family couldn't help but sweat for him, wondering how the gentle and eccentric young master in the past became so arrogant and violent!

The entire Demon King of Confusion!

Just when everyone thought that the domain owner would go crazy, he laughed wantonly and insolently.

Well, it must be laughing out of anger!
But in the next second, the domain owner patted him on the shoulder in a friendly way, and whispered like a good brother, "Everything is negotiable, isn't it?"

At the last "Isn't it?" His smile stopped abruptly, and his complexion turned cold little by little. It was terribly cold, like ice squeezed by thousands of years!

(End of this chapter)

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