Chapter 895 Official Apprenticeship 2
It's over, it's over, this time I must go crazy!Everyone couldn't help covering their eyes.

"Get over here!" The domain master suddenly yelled violently, and everyone seemed to be awakened, and all eyes were fixed on him at that moment.

I thought he was going to fight Ziyou for [-] rounds!

However, when a dark shadow passed in front of their eyes, everyone realized that it was not like this, but Lan Xin'er was being held by the domain master!
The black body curled up into a shrimp shape, shivering, while the domain master's face was gloomy, his fingers clenched her neck tightly, and he gritted his teeth, "Damn it, who told you to steal the flame!"

"I, I, I was wrong... I was wrong, please, please, let me go... ah!!!" Before she could say the words to beg for mercy, Lan Xin'er let out a painful roar, so shrill that it made people's eardrums hurt.

All the meridians in Lan Xin'er's body were abolished, her spiritual energy was gone, thick blood flowed out and flowed on her dark skin, it was truly terrifying.

"Xin'er... No, Territorial Master, please let her go..." Lan Xuan looked at his sister's miserable state, and roared loudly, his eyes were bloodshot.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, the domain master is really too cruel, at this time Lan Xin'er has become a waste, no, waste is waste.

That shrill cry almost pierced the sky, filled with endless sorrow and regret.

Only Nalan Yue laughed silently, her eyes revealed disdain, everyone thought that Lan Xin'er had been crippled with aura and tendons, and became a useless person, but... Haha!
The domain owner is really high enough!He~ Mom killed the chicken for the monkey to see--for a show!

"Is there something wrong?" Beihuangge leaned over, frowning at her.

It's not just a special problem, it's clearly a big problem, judging by the way the domain lord destroyed Lan Xin'er's veins, those broken veins can be repaired within half a month by someone with excellent medical skills!

This is not a show for everyone to see, what else can it be!
Nalan Yue clenched her fists and was about to speak when she caught a glimpse of Zi You who was looking at her at the same time from the corner of her eyes. She swallowed the words in her heart and shook her head slightly, "No problem."

Beihuangge obviously didn't believe her, but she didn't ask, instead she looked in Ziyou's direction thoughtfully.

He clearly saw that Nalan Yue had something to say, but he swallowed it when Zi You looked over.

That's right, Nalan Yue is indeed worried about Ziyou, but more precisely, she is worried about the domain owner. Once she breaks through this point, Ziyou will definitely cling to it and kill Lan Xin'er completely. I will also put this account on her head!

With her current situation and strength, she is not enough for someone else's little finger. More importantly, she can't understand why the domain master must keep Lan Xin'er after spending so much effort?

This is where Nalan Yue hesitated!
"She is useless, are you satisfied?" The domain owner looked at Ziyou lazily.

"Yeah." A useless person, who can't make any waves, why should he bother with a useless person, let alone... domain master, this guy is obviously not a good comer!
"Then, come with me, and let you see the changes in the realm over the years!" Seeing that he no longer had any objections, the master of the realm smiled evilly.

"Wait a minute." Ziyou raised her hand coldly, glanced at Lan Xuan and Leng Xi'er on the ground, and the murderous intent immediately spread, accompanied by terrifying coercion.

"Don't, don't kill me... Elders, venerables, please save me!" Leng Xi'er, who realized that death was about to come, was almost crazy with fright, and begged them with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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