Chapter 896 Official Apprenticeship 3
"This..." The elders and the surrounding students hesitated. After all, the friendship between classmates still exists, even if she is really hateful!

"Don't worry about her." Until Ye Wuzun's calm voice came, everyone put away the pity in their eyes.

Her Leng Xi'er clearly did it herself today, and as for Lan Xuan, if he and his sister killed Nalan Yue, he deserved to die even more!

Thinking of this, everyone's damn pity for her is gone.

Ziyou glanced at the familiar crowd, smiled cruelly, then took out two round black pills, squeezed the chins of Lan Xuan and Leng Xi'er, and stuffed them in!

The whole movement was sharp and fast, before the two of them struggled, it slipped from the throat into the esophagus.

When Nalan Yue saw the elixir, her pupils couldn't help shrinking, because - it was a potent poison that she herself had refined not long ago!
She was used for self-defense, when did he let her go?If this was the enemy, wouldn't she have died a hundred times already!

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched violently, and she stared at Zi You unkindly, who gave him a charming smile back.

The poison melted in the mouth. At this time, Leng Xi'er and Lan Xuan were coughing and vomiting non-stop, but unfortunately the effect of the medicine had already evaporated.

At the scene, everyone saw Ziyou killing someone, but no one stopped him, some didn't want to, some didn't dare.

Nalan Yue knew too well what they would become in the future, so she smiled indifferently, and when she turned her head, she saw Zi You walking slowly towards her.

When passing by her side, he said in a low voice with reluctance in his voice, "Yue, remember, I am no longer Xiao Ziyu, I am Ziyou!"

With the words closed, he strode away with the domain master.

I am no longer Xiao Ziyu...

I am Ziyou...

Ziyou, Ziyou!
Who is he... Who is he! ! !
ah!Nalanyue's eyes suddenly turned black, and she couldn't help but press her temples to suppress the horrifying feeling in her heart.

"What's the matter?" A clear and clear voice unique to teenagers rang in her ears, shining towards a ray of sunlight.

Only then did Nalan Yue wake up slowly, and her vision became clearer. When she got the focus right, she saw a few concerned faces surrounding her eyes, Gege Bei, Qinger Fengchu, Meng Luolizi...

Looking into the distance, Xiao Zi, no, Ziyou is not there, neither is the domain master, not even the entire Xiao family...

They should have left, Nalan Yue guessed and looked away, and said to them, "I'm fine."

Her head was still hurting badly, she didn't understand why she suddenly became like this, she pressed her temples again, and frowned, as if there was a lingering haze in her mind.

Confused her.

"It's fine, boss, hurry up and everyone is waiting for your apprenticeship!" Murong Qing'er hurriedly pulled her over.

Nalan Yue looked forward, only to find that everyone's eyes were on her, especially Ye Wuzun was looking at her with a smile.

This was the first time she had seen her master smile at her in another world, Nalan Yue was slightly startled, and walked up step by step.

Not far in front of her, there was a puddle of blood, which was the corpses of Leng Xi'er and Lan Xuan.

Nalan Yue's footsteps stopped slightly, her eyes fell there, she stared at it for a while, to be honest, she was the one who made the pill, so it could be considered that she killed them herself!

It's good to die, so as not to give her all the shit all day long.

Some white medicinal powder was poured on the bloody water, and the bloody water instantly disappeared, even the smell of blood in the air disappeared, and wisps of clean fragrance wafted into the tip of the nose.

(End of this chapter)

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