Chapter 897 Official Apprenticeship 4
And when Nalan Yue finished, facing the bright sunshine, she walked towards Ye Wuzun firmly and calmly.

The girl was always calm, with the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, and her whole body exuded an aura of indifference and tranquility. She was dressed in a blue dress as elegant as water, attracting the attention of many people.

Everyone admired her calmness, how lucky she was to become Ye Wuzun's apprentice, but she, Nalan Yue, was not arrogant or impetuous, so calm that people wanted to rush up and slap her a few times!
As soon as Nalan Yue walked in front of Ye Wuzun, someone handed him tea.

Nalan Yue took the tea, lowered her head and smiled at the corners of her lips. In fact, she was not as calm as everyone saw. She was just pretending to be calm and didn't want to be laughed at by Master.

But now, she really couldn't bear it anymore, just as she was about to kneel down to worship her teacher, a pair of big dry and cool hands grabbed her arms to stop her movement.

Nalan Yue was puzzled, she raised her head and met his clear eyes, she couldn't help shouting, "Master..."

"En." Ye Wuzun responded, but pulled her up from the half-kneeling position, looking directly at her, "My apprentice, there is no need to kneel, and no one, including me, the master!"

After finishing speaking, he took the tea in her hand and drank it in one gulp!

No one saw the flashing smile in Ye Wuzun's eyes, a self-deprecating smile, he was so impatient, he actually took the tea by himself!

But it has already been brought, so I have to drink it!

Is this considered to be a teacher? ? ?
Nalan Yue stared at him closely, and everyone present also stared at him.

You say, is this a special concern for Nalan Yue, or is it a disguised indifference?

Everyone was puzzled, and Nalan Yue was also a little confused. After all, since ancient times, although the form of apprenticeship does not require three knees and nine knocks, it's okay to do it anyway!
But when he arrived at Ye Wuzun's place, he didn't even need to kneel down. He even drank the tea himself. This action of Ye Wuzun really confused everyone!

Ye Wuzun also didn't think that his impatient action would misunderstand Nalanyue and everyone else, but that's fine, the more everyone thinks that he despises Nalanyue, the safer she will be!
Thinking of this, Ye Wuzun narrowed his eyes, stared at Nalanyue lightly, and raised his thin lips, "You, you will still be a student of the Reiki branch in the future, you only need to come to the medicine refining branch once every three days That's it."

"Oh, good." Nalan Yue replied, but could feel his inexplicable indifference.

She couldn't help but sigh slightly in her heart, but what's wrong with Ye Wuzun.

"That Ye Wuzun, she is your apprentice, why doesn't she live with you in the Green Bamboo Garden!" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Yeah yeah……"

It is human nature for master and apprentice to be together. Although they are a man and a woman, there is no need to be so conservative, not to mention that it is convenient to teach the apprentice!
Why has everything changed in front of Ye Wuzun!
"That's right, now that Nalan Yue has become your apprentice, Venerable, shouldn't he go to the medicine refining branch, why should he still be in the Lingqi Academy!"

"Does it mean that your lord is actually not satisfied with this apprentice!" The crowd didn't know who asked this question, and the scene fell silent.

It was obviously a hot, crowded environment, but it was strangely silent, and the silence exploded here.

Nalan Yuexin raised her throat in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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