Chapter 899 Entering the Linglong Tower 2
Murong Qing'er's voice, like the bright sunshine in the morning, calmed down the slightly flustered people.

They all tried their best to calm themselves down, and slowly stood up straight. Before that, Nalan Yue had already straightened her back, but the sweat was pouring down on her forehead, and the fingers that were deep in the flesh were tightly clenched, which showed that The pain she is suffering now!
She was looking around, her cold eyes, her calm face, as if she was not in extreme pain!

The calm appearance made Fengchu and the others feel that the painful expression on their faces was fake?

"Boss is indeed the boss!" Murong Qing'er stopped her by the shoulder and said, a flash of admiration flashed in her eyes, she has been to Linglong Tower a few times, so her endurance and reaction ability are better than theirs, she has already recovered!

But she didn't expect her boss to be so perverted that he would be able to recover in a few minutes. You must know that she almost knelt down when she first entered Linglong Tower!

Nalan Yue didn't speak, and gradually got used to the gravity environment here, instead she stared at the closed doors.

"Boss, look, the door marked with wood elements means that it is full of wood elements, and so are the others!" Murong Qing'er explained for everyone, and pointed to the other doors, fire, water, and wind. Department... wait!
There is ample element within every door!
"Since this is the case..." Nalan Yue understood it, and said to the friends beside her, "There is not much time left, everyone choose the element you want to cultivate, and enter the door!"


Fengchu and the others agreed that after such a long period of transition, they also adapted to the gravity environment inside.

In the end, Fengchu and Murong Qing'er entered the water element gate, and Meng Luolizi went to the wind element.

"Boss, hurry up and choose!"

"Yueyue, hurry up, there is only one day, hurry up!"

Nalan Yue responded, "I know."

After a few people finished speaking, they entered the door.

The lonely Nalan Yue took her cute pet into the Fire Element Gate, and as soon as she entered, she felt as if she was surrounded by overwhelming crowds.

It's just... After experiencing that dark flame, this small fire is like sparks sparked by a match to Nalan Yue!
Tickle it.

The corners of Nalan Yue's lips curled slightly, and she looked at the surrounding environment. This is a stone room, quiet and airtight, and the red light of the flames is faintly refracted on the stone wall. She can feel that it is full of thick, thick fire element.

Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai couldn't bear it long ago, they jumped out and absorbed the constant fire elements around them.

It's just that the little god tree is suffering, it is a favorite of wood-type plants, so naturally it is not very interested in fire-type plants, so it can only stay listlessly in the space.

Nalan Yue didn't want to send it to the wooden door, but there was only one card, and it could only enter one door.

Seeing it looking so disappointed, Nalan Yue couldn't help but took out a few wood-type magic crystals, "There will always be a chance to go to the wood-type gate in the future, use this to practice first!"

When the little god tree saw these high-level wood elements, its eyes shone brightly, because these were all spit out by that guy Xiaobai.

But since Ye Jin left, Nalan Yue asked Xiaobai to give her all the magic crystals she spit out in order to cultivate, so no one has seen these high-level magic crystals again!
If Nalanyue knew that they all thought this way, she would definitely swear, because those magic crystals in the space were eaten by these guys, and sometimes she didn't even have a piece of it for cultivation!

(End of this chapter)

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