Chapter 900 Entering the Linglong Tower 3
It's for this reason that she asked Xiaobai to spit it out and leave it to her, please don't make her abuse her magic pet, please!
The little god tree happily took the magic crystal, and stayed in the space to refine it happily.

And Nalan Yue came back to her senses, and just when she was about to sit down, she realized that the surrounding fire elements were many times thinner than before!
Almost like the elements in the air outside!
Look at the cheerful bears of Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai, how could Nalanyue not understand that they did this!

"What a ferocious familiar..." Nalan Yue was speechless. Just as she was about to flip the switch on the wall to adjust the concentration of elements, she realized that this little furry paw was faster than her.

With a flash in front of his eyes, he saw that the little phoenix had directly adjusted the concentration of the elements to the end——100!
Fuck, little phoenix, you fucking want to become a roasted phoenix!
"Little brat, do you want to burn us all to death..." Nalan Yue grabbed it and slapped its phoenix butt mercilessly.

"I'm a phoenix cub, a divine beast..." The butt of the little phoenix was in pain from the beating, with tears in his eyes, he fled away from the little witch's hand with a flutter.

"Sacred beasts are a fart!!" With the adjustment of the mechanism, the heat suddenly increased, and Nalan Yue's temper could not help becoming irritable.

This kind of heat can almost be compared with the fire of darkness, the fire elements float together, and the thick red fire light illuminates the entire stone chamber, making it hot!
It's almost turning people into water, let alone practicing!Can you not be angry!
Nalan Yue originally wanted to lower the concentration of the elements, but he found out that there was another circle of reminders around here, which roughly meant that the card needs to be inserted to lower the concentration.

Nalan Yue hurriedly inserted the previous card, but the insufficient balance displayed on it made Nalan Yue have the urge to hit the wall!

Maybe the Great Elder didn't expect that someone would adjust the concentration of elements to the highest level as soon as they entered, and it was under the conditions of his repeated instructions...

So he didn't put many magic crystal coins on the card!

Come on, the concentration of the fire element cannot be adjusted, and now there are two paths before Nalan Yue!

First, quit!
Second, endure and continue to practice!
Nalanyue took deep breaths again and again to hold back the thought of strangling Little Phoenix to death. She would never quit, so she could only choose the second path—be patient and practice!
Nalan Yue stared at the scorching temperature, found a place to sit cross-legged at random, glared fiercely at Little Phoenix, and then entered the state of cultivation.

And the little phoenix, the "culprit", swam recklessly in the sea of ​​fire elements, absorbing it with great joy, without worrying that its owner would soon be burnt!
The surrounding temperature was boiling hot, hotter than boiling water, hotter than a volcano, Nalan Yue barely entered the state of cultivation, absorbing the surrounding fire elements!
She is not a little phoenix, she can absorb fire elements at will, she must extract the essence from the elements, so that it can be considered absorption!

Compared with human beings, divine beasts are simply the darlings of the heavens, and they are extremely cool!
However, the fire elements did not decrease with the absorption of Nalanyue and Xiaofeng Xiaobai, but became more intense, which made Nalanyue happy and depressed.

The good news is that the thicker the fire element, the better it is for cultivation.

Depressedly, the surrounding temperature is rising steadily.

Nalan Yue had to endure the unbearable high temperature, tightly closed her eyes to absorb the fire elements, and let the elements enter her body little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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