Chapter 903 Did something bad 3
So she decided that after going out, she must work hard to collect magic crystal coins and cultivate all the elements in her body!

There are really too many fire elements here, so Nalan Yue absorbs it very quickly, and after a while, her dantian swells up again. This time, she is not in a hurry to break through, but calms herself down and continues like flowing water. Stores fire elements.

Finally... Promoted again!
"Two-star Martial Immortal..."

The ethereal voice of the master of the system came loose, making it impossible for people to detect where the voice came from!

Nalan Yue doesn't have a system guru in her mind now, she immediately devoted herself to cultivation after this promotion!
The feeling that her dantian was filled again made her extremely satisfied, but this time she was not as lucky as last time, and was sent out before she was promoted!
The day has passed!
Don't look at it just practiced for two stars, in fact, Nalan Yue has already stayed in it for a day and a night, so once you practice, time becomes as if it is no longer time, but the effort of closing and opening eyes!
After coming out, the fire element immediately became so thin that it was almost gone, and Nalan Yue's dantian, which had already reached saturation, only needed to stay in it for a while before it could be promoted!
Unfortunately, it was sent out at this time!
Nalan Yue couldn't help but sigh, but thinking of those fire elements in the space, she was no longer annoyed, anyway, she would practice the same after going back!
It's just... what's going on with these people around?

I remember that when I came in, there was no one there!

Nalan Yue looked at the angry people in front of her, narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly felt a "thump" in her heart, always feeling that their anger had something to do with her.

Nalan Yue has always believed in her keen intuition, so she was going to run away, but just when she was about to run away, she caught a glimpse of Master Ye Wuzun and a group of elders.

This place is so big, and there is only one exit, if she wants to leave now, she will bump into Ye Wuzun and the others!

After much deliberation, Nalan Yue decided not to leave, did she do anything bad, why should she feel guilty!

Speaking of the two words of guilty conscience, Nalan Yue suddenly thought of the fire element that was drawn into the space by herself...

Fuck, don't do this!

Otherwise, she is really guilty!

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

When Nalan Yue was in a daze, Murong Qing'er and the others walked over, Murong Qing'er hooked her neck, and teased, "Why do you look guilty?"

Nalan Yue is confused, it can be seen in this way!
Immediately afterwards, Qing'er's slightly ambiguous voice was heard, "By the way, boss, have you teased little brother behind Ye Jin's back? Come on, tell me, sisters will keep it secret!"

"Murong Qing'er!" Nalan Yue swore that her voice must be very gentle, and she stared at her faintly!
Murong Qing'er's scalp was numb from being watched, and she responded without momentum, "Boss..."

"You're really itchy!" Nalan Yue patted her forehead angrily.

But before Nalanyue let go, Fengchu who was beside her stared at her sadly, "Yueyue, how could you beat my wife!!"

Nalan Yue was deflated on the spot, and Murong Qing'er showed a smug smile.

"Fuck, the bird of our friendship has flown!" Nalan Yue rolled her eyes at the two of them, feeling extremely worried, humming, bullying her and now she is alone!

On the other side, Ye Wuzun and the elder were all surrounded by a group of students, and the students were all talking about something, as if they were suing!

(End of this chapter)

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