Chapter 904 Did something bad 4
"My lord, elder, the fire element has decreased!"

"What's the situation?" The Great Elder raised his beard and looked at the crowd.

"When we were cultivating in Linglong Pagoda, we found that the fire elements were getting less and less, so we had to quit the cultivation early!"

"Yeah, the fire element suddenly became less, so we didn't have to repair it..."

Before the man could finish speaking, he heard a rushing sound behind him, rushing towards him like a gust of wind——

"It's not good! It's not good! The fire element spar supplied later has been extinguished!"

"What!!!" Everyone was shocked, even the elders were shocked. At the backstage of Linglong Pagoda, there are eight crystals that supply elements, namely gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, lightning and ice.

There have been no problems for thousands of years, so how could one suddenly go out?

You must know that these element crystals are not ordinary crystals, they are all brought by Principal Nanfeng from other continents, and they are the heart of Linglong Tower!

But now, this "heart" has actually stopped beating, how can people not be in a hurry!
For a while, everyone could only look at Venerable Ye Wu with anxious expressions on their faces, "Sir, what should we do!"

"Who did this? Could it be that someone wanted to steal the element spar!"

"Impossible, the element spars are guarded by special personnel, and the guards have not been attacked..."

"This is really strange!"

Everyone's words penetrated into the bottom of their ears, but Ye Wuzun's expression was unpredictable, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

He glanced at Nalan Yue's position with intention or inadvertence, and Nalan Yue froze in place, at that moment, she felt that she knew that she did it!
Innocent, how did she know that she brought the ignition element to extinguish all the crystals in the background, what a bean curd project!

Girl, you brought more than a little, obviously a lot, a lot of fire elements...

Nalanyue felt a pity in her heart, but fortunately, Ye Wuzun only looked away for a few seconds, and she finally let out a sigh of relief.

But later I heard those elders jointly propose, "My lord, for the sake of safety, let's go to the back and have a look. If we can't do it, search every stone room to see which stone room has a problem. In this way It’s good to know who did it!”

Because the elders were worried about Linglong Tower, their teeth were itching with anger at this time, and they wished to bring the culprit over and beat them up!
Nalanyue is guilty now, especially guilty, if she really does what the elders said, she will know that she did it in a few minutes!
Nalan Yue wanted to stop it, but she couldn't do anything about it. Forget it, one person does things and one person is in charge. You can admit it!
The big deal is to return the fire elements I have collected so hard to them!
Just when Nalan Yue was about to stand up, Ye Wuzun glanced at her again, his eyes filled with deep and dark light.

If he said that his apprentice didn't do this, he really didn't believe it, tsk... troublemaker!

No matter how calm Nalan Yue behaved, Ye Wuzun was still as tall as a demon, and it was easy to see her guilty conscience!
Na Lanyue didn't understand the meaning of Master's eyes, she just felt that they were as bright as wheat, she was startled, and just about to speak, Master's voice sounded first.

"No need to check, replace this with the previous fire element spar." Ye Wuzun said, then took out a watermelon-sized fire element spar from the space ring, and threw it to the elder.

(End of this chapter)

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