Chapter 905 I Did Something Bad 5
"No need to check, replace this with the previous fire element spar." Ye Wuzun said, then took out a watermelon-sized fire element spar from the space ring, and threw it to the elder.

The Great Elder took it quickly with his eyes and hands. The fire element spar was transparent all over, and it was filled with strong fire elements. The rich elements made the fire element practitioners around couldn't help but stir up a sensation.

Many of them were shouting in low voices that they felt that they were about to be promoted!
Even Nalan Yue felt a movement in her dantian, and she was only a little bit close to puncturing the window paper for promotion, just one more... Unfortunately, when Nalan Yue was about to touch the promotion point, the Great Elder had already moved the element The stone is gone!
"Crap!" No matter how good-tempered Nalan Yue was, she couldn't help but swear at this moment, her face turned dark, not to mention her bad temper!

Several times when I was on the verge of being promoted, I failed because of these accidents!

Ye Wuzun stared at her frowning face, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, this girl doesn't care about her situation, she just thinks about cultivation!
In front of them, the group of elders obviously did not want to simply turn over these few incidents, and said stubbornly, "My lord, why don't you go and search, it's fine if some classmate did it unintentionally, but what if the enemy did it!"

Seeing the elder's unrelenting attitude, Nalan Yue knew that these old guys were the most rigid, and belonged to the type of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back.

It seems that they must investigate the matter clearly today!
But Nalan Yue wasn't worried at all, because as long as she looked at the tall and calm figure of Master, she didn't have any doubts—it's no problem to have Master!
Sure enough, Venerable Ye Wu glanced at the elders who called out lightly, stared at them for a while, and then said coldly, "I borrowed the fire element stone, do you have any opinions? Huh?"

Ye Wuzun's final tone was extremely imposing, there is no doubt that he is king!
"No..." The group of arrogant elders immediately froze. Ye Wuzun is not only refining medicine, but also the top master in the mainland. How many people come to Qinglong Academy just for Ye Wu The name of His Holiness came!

So, who dares to object.

It's just that this group of elders have been in high positions for a long time, and their tempers are not very good. They feel as if they were played by Ye Wuzun today. Even if they dare not scold, they still complain a little.

"Master Ye Wu, why didn't you say it earlier, so that we don't have to make a trip in vain..."

"Yeah, isn't this a waste of time!"

They thought that since they had been with him for so long, they would be able to rely on their old age to sell their old age, but what kind of person is Ye Wuzun, who can tremble three times by stomping on the continent, how could they allow them to slander him!

He glanced over with a cold look, and the group of elders immediately fell silent. Ye Wuzun's eyes were so indifferent, it seemed that the moonlight of the fifteenth day was caught in a strong coldness, such coldness hurt the bone marrow!

This group of elders couldn't help trembling in their hearts, realizing that they had said something wrong, how could Ye Wuzun be someone they could question!
They are so naive!

Until, a clear and playful young girl's voice sounded, "What qualifications do you have to say Master, what's wrong with letting you run over to exercise without looking at your fat bellies!"

When the elders heard the words of contempt for them, their noses were crooked, they were so arrogant, so arrogant!

Not only the elders, but also the students couldn't help but sweat for Nalanyue. Is it really okay to say this!
(End of this chapter)

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