Chapter 906 Three months time 1
Nalanyue doesn't care if it's good or bad, she only knows that Ye Wuzun is her master, and her master can't be bullied by others, let alone being gossiped by others in order to protect her, she doesn't allow it!
She walks slowly and firmly, with a mischievous smile on her face, a pair of quiet smiles that seem to be half-smiles, staring at their fat stomachs that can ooze oil with interest.

Under her contemptuous gaze, several elders subconsciously shrank their stomachs, but feeling their dignity being challenged, they glared at her angrily, "Damn girl, didn't your master tell you to respect the old and love the young? Respect the teacher and pay attention to education!"

"Heh!" Nalan Yue sneered lowly. It doesn't matter if they scold her, but they are clearly slandering her master. Nalan Yue is angry, and the angrier she is, the colder her smile is, "Elder? Then you have love?" Are you young? Don’t say that I’m only the first day apprentice, you’ve lived for so long, didn’t your mother tell you that respecting the old and loving the young exist at the same time!”

"Since you can all scold me at will because of your old age, why can't I challenge you because of my tenderness!"

"How funny are you? Are you relying on the old to sell the old? Who is my master? A mythical figure in the mainland, standing at the top of the pyramid. What qualifications do you have to criticize him? Seriously, you people can get along with my master That is your honor!"

"You! You!" The elders had never received such a bird's breath, their eyes were all bigger than copper bells, and they wished they could eat her.

"What, did you hit me? Can't speak?" Nalan Yue stared at them coldly. She wanted to be fearless, not to mention the elders of the college. The most important thing is that she is not the one who is wrong!
Nalanyue's face was cold, her tone was arrogant, she looked like a queen, everyone couldn't help but stare dumbfounded!
Since Nalan Yue came into being, their three views are being refreshed every day!
Several elders were slapped in the face by Nalan Yue in public, so naturally they would not let her go easily. Among them, the fifth elder was the most angry, pointing at her, "Nalan Yue, don't be so arrogant because you are the disciple of the Venerable, don't take anyone People pay attention to it!"

Nalan Yue couldn't help but sneer slightly.

"I'm sorry, I don't see you naturally, because..." Nalan Yue paused for a moment, with a hint of cunning hidden in her eyes, and continued, "Because you are simply too fat, my eyes are so fat. Can't fit it at all!"

The expression on Nalan Yue's face was so innocent that no one wanted to scold her for being arrogant.


Her words made everyone present laugh, even the elders couldn't help but twitch their mouths, who didn't know that the Fifth Elder hated people saying that he was fat, but Nalan Yue just hit his sore spots!
The Fifth Elder was so angry that he almost couldn't stand still, his beard was shaking with anger, and his fingers were also trembling non-stop, as if he was going to have a heart attack if he scolded him!
The elders next to him wiped his sweat deeply, and just about to seek justice for him, the elder who was going to deliver the fire element over there came over.

As soon as the remaining elders saw him, they immediately told him the whole story. After the first elder heard it, he couldn't help shaking his head, looking at the old guys in front of him, "She is the apprentice of Ye Wuzun. It’s not our turn to teach you a lesson if you make a big mistake, you old bastards just stay where you are!”

"Uh..." Several elders were flustered in a gust of wind, they didn't expect the first elder to say that.

(End of this chapter)

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