Chapter 907 Three months time 2
"The thing about the fire element spar?" Is it possible for him to turn the page like this?

The Great Elder couldn't help but look at these old guys with a headache, don't turn over the chapter, do they still have to worry about it, do they dare to challenge Ye Wuzun!

Apparently they didn't!

"Okay..." The Great Elder had just said a few words to calm things down, and Ye Wuzun walked straight towards the crowd.

Weiwei's aura shocked people, and then he heard his indifferent voice, "Oh, then how do you want to deal with this deity?"

It was obviously a light question, but for some reason, everyone who heard it felt that a heavy stone was pressing on their hearts, and they were extremely suffocating!

The elders had no choice but to bite the bullet and calm down quickly, "Don't dare, dare not...Actually, just now we were asking the Great Elder if the fire element spar was placed properly, right, Great Elder?"

Several people hurriedly released the help-seeking eyes to the Great Elder.

"Ahem, the spar has been put away, elders don't need to worry!" The First Elder didn't want to make the matter too loud, so he followed their words.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good! Well, since it's been put away, let's take a step first!" The elders slipped away immediately, nonsense, if they don't slip away, they are still waiting to be found by Venerable Ye Wu. Crap!

Hmph, it must be that boy Nanfeng, who left by himself but didn't want them elders to be leisurely, so he bewitched Ye Wuzun to find fault with them whenever he had something to do!
These elders obviously forgot, they were the ones who started to make trouble first!
After a few annoying elders left, the first elder waved at the students present again, "Students who want to practice quickly go in and practice, other students should do what they want!"

The students around immediately gathered together, some continued to practice in the Linglong Tower, and some students who came to watch the show were ready to return to the classroom.

And Nalan Yue and the others naturally wanted to return to the classroom.

"Boss, how did I remember that you also entered the secret room of the fire element, why didn't you say that the fire element has decreased?"

"Uh, is there?" Nalan Yue started to pretend, huh, she won't tell them!
Nalanyue didn't say anything, but Fengchu next to her seemed to have figured out something, and stared at her thoughtfully, "By the way, why do I feel that this matter has something to do with Yueyue..."

"..." Damn it, you can feel it!
Nalan Yue was stunned.

"Don't feel it, just look at Yueyue's expression and you will know that she must have done this!" Meng Luo hugged the pear and smiled showing a row of white teeth.

"As long as you observe carefully! Bah!" Nalan Yue gave him a century of big eyes, tsk tsk, these little friends have become more intelligent, alas, I have to thank her for daily test strikes!
"My god, the boss really did it to you..." Before Murong Qing'er finished speaking, Nalan Yue slapped her mouth. She was wrong just now, anyone's IQ can improve except Murong Qing'er This silly girl can't!
"Boss... you really did it, you did it..."

"Damn it, I didn't do anything!" Nalan Yue gave her a warning look, saw her nod, and let her go.

This girl is outspoken, didn't she see that there are so many classmates around her! !
"Boss, you..." After Murong Qing'er escaped from her clutches, she breathed heavily, and before she could finish her words, she received Nalan Yue's warning eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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