Chapter 909 Three months time 4
"Is there a problem?" Facing her with a mournful face, Ye Wuzun couldn't help laughing, well, he admitted that it was difficult, but now there is no time...

The demons in the nether world have been too arrogant recently, which already gave him a bad feeling, so Nalan Yue must shoulder her own responsibilities!

"Of course there is a question..." question!


"Uh, I will try my try my best..." Under Ye Wuzun's displeased eyes, Nalan Yue abruptly said "there is a problem" as "I will try my best".

Try your best, even if she doesn't eat or drink all day, she won't be promoted to the master alchemist in three months!
Nalan Yue felt that if she spoke out, she would probably be kicked out of the teacher immediately!
Ye Wuzun looked at her with satisfaction. Although this task is really difficult, since he is his apprentice, he must never be afraid before trying it!

"Is there anything else to do, master, I'm leaving if there's nothing else..." Well, she wanted to retreat and calm down, she felt like she was going crazy.

Promoted to the Grand Master Alchemist within three months, God, please allow her to go back to modern times!
"Go to Linglong Pagoda to practice in the future!" When Nalan Yue was in despair, Ye Wuzun's words were like the dawn of hope.

If you go to the Linglong Pagoda to practice, there is still a possibility...

"But, master, you need magic crystal coins to go to Linglong Pagoda!" Nalan Yue took two steps forward, his eyes looking forward, hiding a sly light.

Since Master Master personally asked her to go to the Linglong Pagoda to practice, then should she worry about the magic crystal coins?
How could her small thoughts hide from Ye Wuzun, he couldn't help but shook his head, took out a golden card, and put it in front of her, "It's enough for you to stay inside for three months!"

"Thank you, Master!" Nalan Yue happily took the card, but then she thought about what would happen to her group of friends if she entered the Linglong Pagoda.

So, Nalan Yue went all out, and looked at Master with shame, "Master, otherwise, how many more would you give? I think Qing'er and the others..."

"Nalan Yue!" Before she could finish speaking, Ye Wuzun in front of her suddenly called her name seriously.

Nalan Yue immediately stood up, swallowed the words in her mouth, and looked at him in confusion, "Master..."

I'll go, she didn't seem to say anything, why does Master's face look so stinky!
Nalan Yue clenched her fingers, waiting for his next words.

Ye Wuzun stared at her for a long time before saying coldly, "You have to remember that you are different from others, your future..."

Speaking of this, Ye Wuzun was a little hesitant, Nalan Yue frowned, always felt that the master seemed to know something but didn't want to tell herself.

Immediately afterwards, I heard him say again, "Anyway, you must remember that you must be promoted to the Grandmaster Alchemist within three months, as for Murong Qing'er and the long as you succeed in the promotion, I guarantee that they can stay in Linglong Tower for as long as they want in the future! "

But the premise is that Nalan Yue must be promoted to the Grand Master Alchemist, and within three months!

Ye Wuzun's handsome and elegant face glowed faintly in the morning light, and his thin lips moved slightly. He was like a stalk in an ink painting, indifferent and lingering.

His voice is very beautiful, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

Nalan Yue was slightly stunned when she heard this, and it took her a while to realize, Master Ganqing means that as long as she can be promoted to Grand Master, Murong Qing'er and the others can stay in Linglong Tower forever without having to work hard for magic crystal coins?

Damn, why can't you be happy at all!

(End of this chapter)

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