Chapter 910 Three months time 5
Suddenly, she felt that the burden on her shoulders was heavy again, how could Nalan Yue know that this little pressure now was nothing compared to what she would bear in the future!
"Go." Venerable Ye Wu began to wave his hands away.

"Disciple leave!!" Nalan Yue walked out of the Green Bamboo Garden, wanting to cry without tears. She originally thought that the master came to her for the matter of the fire element, and worried for a long time, but she didn't expect that he came to give her a task!
To be promoted to a master-level pharmacist, even thinking about it, I feel that my head is too big!
Ye Wuzun looked at her back through the bamboo window, narrowed his long eyes slightly, revealing a doting look.

Yue'er, you have to understand that this is the responsibility you have to bear since you were born!

I can't tolerate your slightest retreat!
Until she entered the classroom, Nalan Yue was like a frost-beaten eggplant, withered and listlessly sitting on her seat.

Seeing her bald appearance, all her friends who usually make friends with her all surrounded her and circled around her and the table.

And Murong Qing'er, who should be in the second grade, is also in the classroom at this time, as soon as she sees her, she immediately rushes up.

"Fuck, what's the matter with you, Boss? Could it be that you've broken up in love?"

Nalan Yue casually took a pen and threw it at it, glaring at Murong Qing'er angrily, "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Murder!" Murong Qing'er quickly took the dropped pen, and asked again tentatively, "Could it be that he was reprimanded by Ye Wuzun?"

For a moment, everyone around pricked up their ears, ready to listen to gossip!

Nalan Yue shrugged her shoulders and smiled wryly, "It would be great if I was really trained..." Unfortunately, Master doesn't have one!

"Damn! I can't tell, boss, you have the tendency to be abused!" Murong Qing'er was bluffing, making Nalan Yue want to go up and slap her a few big mouths!
"Abusing your sister!" Nalan Yue complained helplessly.

"Her sister is here!" Murong Xiaoman raised his hand timidly, with a suppressed smile on his face.

"I was really defeated by your two sisters!" If it wasn't for the sake of image, Nalan Yue would have screamed up to the sky!
"Okay, okay, what happened, boss, tell me quickly!" Seeing that her hair was about to blow up, Murong Qing'er hurried over to tame her hair.

"Master asked me to be promoted to a master alchemist in three months!" There was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so Nalan Yue didn't care what other people thought, so she said it.

"What—" The friends who heard it all opened their mouths wide in surprise, their eyes widened, as if they saw something incredible!
After the initial shock, the expressions on their faces changed again—"Are you joking?", "Are you pretending to be aggressive?"!
The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched violently.

She also wanted to take this as a joke from Master, but she should know just because of her attitude towards Master, Master would never joke again!

"Don't tell me it's true!" Don't say others don't believe it, even Murong Qing'er and the others don't believe it, how can it be possible to be promoted from a master class to a grand master alchemist within three months!
Isn't this obviously embarrassing!
"This is true!"

"Did Venerable Ye Wu say something else?" Murong Qing'er seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked nervously.

Could it be that Ye Wuzun was angry at her for stealing the fire element and gave her such a big problem. If she couldn't do it, then Ye Wuzun could logically expel her from the teacher's school, right...

(End of this chapter)

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