Chapter 914 Practice 3
Nalan Yue was not disappointed either, so she lay down and went to sleep early. In fact, her soul ran into the space to practice automatically.

The night is as cold as water, and the time passes quietly...

On the second day, Nalan Yue directly entered the Linglong Pagoda. Before that, she hesitated for a long time before entering the Green Bamboo Garden where Venerable Ye Wu lived.

Ye Wuzun is leaning against the window to taste tea, the scent of tea pervades the room, his silver hair is swaying in the breeze, as cold as the moon, when he sees her walking slowly, his brows are slightly frowned.

"Don't go to Linglong Tower, what are you doing here!" His voice was as cold as the morning breeze.

This little girl... I deliberately alienated her, and even asked her to go to Linglong Pagoda to practice. The purpose was not only to promote her to the master alchemist, but more importantly, to prevent the demons from finding her.

Although I know that I can't hide her for a lifetime, but even for a while it's good, at least it can make her a little bit stronger, so that I won't be passive in everything.

But she...

Seeing the displeasure on his face, Nalan Yue immediately swallowed the words, tell me, if she asks about Jin Guang, will she be beaten to death by her master?
If you don't practice hard, you just think about love and love all day long!


"What the hell is going on!" Venerable Ye Wu put down the teacup in his hand and stared at her, as if he could see through her heart.

Nalan Yue's expression tightened, and she simply said bravely, "I want to ask..."

For the sake of her future sexual life, Nalan Yue decided to go all out!

"It's about a golden light sometimes appearing in the body, the aggressive one..."

"Get out!" Ye Wuzun suddenly turned his back to her and growled sharply before she finished speaking.

His tone was full of helplessness and anger, and even a trace of sadness.

Nalan Yue's whole body was shocked, she didn't know why she had to look at his back, she didn't know why Master was so fierce suddenly, didn't she just ask Jin Guang a question...

What's wrong?Even if it is difficult to answer, there is no need to lose such a big temper!

If Nalan Yue could look at him head-on at this time, he would never say that he was just losing his temper, but wanted to pull her out and beat her up.

Ye Wuzun clenched his fingers tightly, his joints glowed with white light, the expression on his face was forbearing and lost, his eyes were dark and terrifying.

She actually came here just to ask herself a question about the golden light in her body...

Heh, I know it's impossible between me and her, but it's still a damned extravagant hope!

"Master, if you find it difficult to answer, then..." There is no need to answer.

This time Nalan Yue was dragged by the back collar before she finished speaking, and thrown out of the Green Bamboo Garden.

"If you really want to know, then you can be promoted to a master alchemist. If you don't get promoted, you will never want to know!" Ye Wuzun pressed her against the fence outside the yard, with a voice that Nalan Yue couldn't understand Melancholy and sad.

The gloomy eyes stared at her firmly, until Nalan Yue was too scared to look at him again.

Only then did Venerable Ye let go of her, and walked back slowly and stiffly, one step at a time.

His figure was quickly shrouded in the morning mist, but a hazy sadness lingered, Nalan Yue stood at the fence in a daze, looking at him for a long time.

She seemed to feel that Master had a very weird attitude towards her... She couldn't tell what kind of weirdness it was!
Nalanyue suddenly felt that she looked like an idiot for asking Jin Guang's question, alas, it must be that the master felt that he only cared about dating all day long, and was a little disappointed in her...

Forget it, let's practice in Linglong Pagoda!

(End of this chapter)

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