Chapter 915 Practice 4
Forget it, let's practice in Linglong Pagoda!

Nalan Yue let out a long sigh, then turned and walked towards Linglong Pagoda.

Master's heart, sea needle, sea needle!

After she left, Ye Wuzun closed his eyes tightly, drinking one glass after another in his hand, the knuckles holding the wine glass turned white, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

When he was slightly drunk, he slowly opened his eyes. His usually indifferent and clear eyes became deeper and more blurred. Although his face was expressionless, his whole body seemed to exude a strong sense of coercion and chill.

The calmer it is, the more ferocious it feels before the storm.

The wine still lingered in his mouth. He didn't know how long he had been drinking, but his whole body was as quiet as a statue, slowly solidified in the cold morning light, and wordless sadness spread over him.

Yue'er, if the teacher said that I like you, what would your answer be...


How could there be any answer? She didn't know how much pressure she would have to bear at that time, so how could he be willing to put her in a dilemma!
Ye Wuzun is very clear, if the confession is not successful, then the master and apprentice will definitely not be able to do it...

What's more, there are so many enemies watching from behind, how can he put her in a dilemma and dangerous situation!

At the same time, Nalan Yue had already entered the Linglong Pagoda.

The interior of the Linglong Pagoda is extremely empty, with faint candles burning on the walls, but the line of sight is not dark. On the first floor, there are eight rooms representing the eight elements.

Nalan Yue is not going to go to the fire element chamber anymore, but to the wood element, but to be honest, she wants to go to every secret chamber.

Who made her have so many element attributes, especially the thunder attribute that she only felt recently, plus the previous elements, exactly eight elements!
When the little dagger heard about her thoughts, he couldn't help but lazily said, "Big deal, go to the wood department, then the earth department, and then the thunder department..."

"I just don't know if the magic crystal coins are enough!" Nalan Yue shook the gold card between his fingers.

"Pfft, do you think Ye Wuzun is a stingy person?" The little dagger almost wanted to despise her IQ!

People say that she was stupid for three years after she was pregnant, and why did her master become stupid when she was not pregnant? Could it be a sign of pregnancy?

Pfft, the little dagger was absolutely unexpected to be guessed by him.

It's also fortunate that Nalan Yue doesn't know what this guy is thinking, otherwise he will definitely go berserk.

Because of the reminder of the small dagger, Nalan Yue's mind flashed, yes, looking at the gold card, he should know that there will never be less magic crystal coins in it!
and so……

Nalan Yue suddenly smiled slyly, and asked the little friends in the space which elemental gate they were going to practice.

The attribute of Xiaofeng and Xiaobai is fire, so they choose the element of fire.

Needless to say, the small god tree is going to the wood department.

And the little dagger actually went to the thunder element.

"Damn it, why?" Nalan Yue looked at it puzzled, ever since this guy became an artifact, he has been extremely arrogant all day long, with the look of "this deity doesn't talk to you and other mortals".

But I've never heard of that before, its attribute is Thunder!

The little dagger snorted and despised her, "I, can't you just learn skills!"

"Little thing, rebel, return me... Believe it or not, sisters, you chop vegetables!" Nalan Yue threatened viciously.

"Little witch!! Hmph!" The little dagger couldn't help cursing in a low voice, but also closed its mouth. After all, it didn't want to be used to chop vegetables.

What a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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