Chapter 919 Practice 8
But Nalan Yue turned around again, with an anxious look on her face, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the wood elements below have also decreased. I don't know what's going on..."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Yue patted her head angrily, as if blaming herself for forgetting such an important thing!

"Really?" The two soldiers above looked at each other suspiciously, and finally stared at Nalan Yue, as if they were judging the authenticity of her words.

After all, they also knew about the problem with the spar before...

"Of course it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have thought about going to the second floor to have a look and find someone to help..." Nalan Yue nodded heavily, with an anxious expression on his face, "Hurry up and have a look." Ah, what if something happens later!"

Perhaps infected by the anxious look on Nalan Yue's face, coupled with her extremely sincere tone, the two soldiers finally wavered.

The soldier said to the second soldier, "You stay here, I'll go down and have a look."

Before the second soldier nodded, he ran down in a hurry, muttering in his mouth, "Could it be borrowed by His Excellency again..."

Nalan Yue heard it with sharp ears, and lowered her head guiltily, Master, this disciple will only use you as a shield once, please, please don't be angry...

Hey, you can't see it anyway!

Nalan Yue secretly made a "V" gesture to herself.

"Hey, why haven't you left yet!" When Nalan Yue was proud, the second soldier frowned at her.

Damn, that look makes Nalan Yue inexplicably angry, is there any need to look at this beautiful girl like a fly!
But when she raised her head, Nalan Yue showed another bright smile, "Hey, let's go right away..."

As she said that, she really pretended to take two steps forward, and turned around and said, "You should also go and see, if it wasn't done by the venerable, if it was an enemy, then you will suffer, do you think it is the reason? ?”

Nalan Yue's smile was as bright as the rising sun in the east, fresh and pleasant.

The second soldier was amazed, but in the next second he returned to his serious look.

Which company trained soldiers, they are too disciplined!

Nalan Yue complained secretly when she heard the second soldier in front of her rubbing the back of her head and saying, "What you said is also reasonable, if it is the enemy, it will be a disaster... No, no, no, thinking about it this way, I feel more and more that the enemy did it." After all, it is impossible for His Holiness to make fun of crystal stones for nothing!"

"I'll go and have a look too, and you, hurry down, the second floor is not a place for jokes!" Bing Er obviously talked more than the soldiers who had already left, and when he rushed down the steps, he didn't forget to send Na Lan Yue called down.

"It's coming down." Nalan Yue smiled and made a gesture to take two steps down.

Seeing her going down, the second soldier didn't think too much about it, so he speeded up and drove down, and looked up at Nalan Yue from time to time, seeing that she was also coming down, he was completely relieved.

Yes, Nalan Yue was indeed walking down, but her walking speed was like a tortoise and a rabbit compared to that of the second soldier.

So even if Soldier [-] saw her walking down, it was only a superficial phenomenon. Up to now, she hadn't actually walked much.

And the distance from him is getting farther and farther...

Knowing that Soldier [-] was about to come to an end, he didn't see Nalan Yue coming down until he realized something was wrong, was too late!
(End of this chapter)

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