Chapter 920 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 1
"Hey, stop, you can't go up!" Soldier [-] just turned around and saw Nalan Yue turning around and running up.

He immediately became anxious and hurried to chase, ignoring the matter of the spar.


Oh, how is it possible!

Nalan Yue is not a fool, how could she let go of such a good time, the speed of her feet suddenly accelerated.

"You, really can't go up!" The second soldier's eyes were red with anxiety, it's over, if she really goes up, he will definitely be over...

"What happened?" Bing Er's voice came unexpectedly, mixed with raging anger.

Apparently, it was discovered that Nalan Yue had deceived her, and the element spar was basically intact.

"Then, that girl is almost running up there!" Hearing his voice, Bing Er, who was about to catch up, paused, and hurriedly said to him.

As soon as Bing Yi looked up, he immediately saw a blue figure running fast on the steps, and he stomped his feet angrily, "Fuck, why don't you hurry up and chase after me! Damn girl, how dare you lie to me that There is a problem with the element spar... Chase!!"

Bing [-] took the lead and rushed up angrily, followed by Bing [-].

And Nalan Yue had already reached the entrance, but at this moment, she stopped suddenly.

She raised her lowered head, turned her head with the corners of her lips curved, stared at the two figures who were chasing up quickly, raised her finger, and gestured downward silently to them.

Lively contempt.

"Damn girl, how dare you lie to us!" The soldier almost vomited blood angrily when he saw her contemptuous action.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating!" Nalan Yue dropped these four words coolly, and entered the second floor neatly!
"Don't go in..." Bing couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw her movements, his long arms wanted to grab her, but they just brushed past the corner of her clothes.

Nalan Yue has inserted the card into the second floor at this moment!

"Crap!" Bing Yi tried to push the door open, but he knew too well that it would be impossible to open it without a card, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "This stinky girl, is she looking for death if she doesn't have the strength to go up there!! "

"Quickly, notify Your Honor immediately that someone forcibly broke into the second floor of Linglong Tower." Bing [-], who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, grabbed Bing [-] who was stunned, and shouted sharply.

Bing Er silently wiped the saliva that was sprayed on his face, and the chick pecked at the rice and nodded, "I know... I know!"

"Useless stuff!" Bing threw him away and stared at him angrily, if he hadn't been an idiot who left at will, the little girl would have slipped in too!

Bing Er was about to cry, he is obviously the stupidest person, if he hadn't been easily cheated away, would what happened now happen!
"Hurry up and call someone!"

Seeing the fiery Bing Yi kicking over, Bing Er immediately ran down nimbly, "Get lost right now..."

The second floor of Linglong Tower

The surrounding area is quiet, with dark gray walls and faint candle lights. There are also eight doors, which are no different from the layout on the first floor.

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the two soldiers hadn't caught up with her when she came in, but being in such a quiet environment made her scalp tingle.

She originally thought that the second floor must be very dangerous, and she was fully prepared for it, but she didn't expect it to be so comfortable.

But the more this happened, the more Nalan Yue felt a sense of uneasiness.

She stood alone in the middle of the second floor, her eyes were calm, her brows were slightly frowned, and after looking around, her eyes stopped at the entrance of the second floor.

"Scene real combat!"

This is the name of the second floor of Linglong Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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