Chapter 921 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 2
"Is it real people fighting in the scene..." Nalan Yue read these few words in a low voice, her clear eyes narrowed half-understood, and she looked at the eight gates here in a flash—

Each door is different from the first layer, only the element attributes are marked, but the names of the scenes are displayed on these doors.

For example, "War in the Desert", "Pristine Forest", "Deep Sea Adventure", "Iceberg" and so on.

Nalan Yue squinted her eyes for a while, and finally a light flashed in her mind, as if something had been strung together by her, she couldn't help but said to herself, "The eight scenes represent the eight elements. ...The gold element corresponds to the desert, and the water element corresponds to the deep sea...Yes, it must be like this!"

Nalan Yue snapped her fingers, and the corners of her lips curled up.

Now that the "scene" is there, the word "combat" is easy to understand, leaving only "real person"... Could the real person refer to herself?
This Nalan Moon has no way of knowing, so I can only enter these rooms to try!
This time, she did not choose the "prime forest" representing the wood element first, but instead went to the "sleeping volcano" of the fire element!
The card was swiped into the card slot, and there was a slight "ding, ding" sound, and the "0" on the card was deducted like running water.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, this nima has a lot of local tyrants to practice in Linglong Pagoda for ten days and half a month!
Immediately after swiping the card, the fire element door forms a swirl-like circle, turning clockwise, as long as you walk in, you are entering the door.

It is more advanced than the first floor!
Nalan Yue complained secretly, but without hesitation, she immediately raised her foot and entered inside. After entering, the whirlpool door behind her also slowly disappeared.

It was as quiet as if no one had walked in!

the other side.

Bing Er, who was sent out, came back panting.

As soon as Bing Yi saw him, he rushed over and grabbed it by the collar, "What did your lord say!!"

"Ahem, the venerable lord said it, don't pay attention to it, just let that little girl torment!" Bing Er struggled to break free from his clutches.

"What!" Bing was shocked, his eyeballs almost popped out, he pulled his neck and continued to ask, "You fucking joke with me again, I'll kill you!"

"I... I'm not joking... Even if I lend me ten courage, I wouldn't dare to falsely pass on the words of His Excellency!" Bing Er, who was strangled by the neck, wanted to cry, but why was he always the unlucky one!

"Really!!" More real than pearls!

Seeing that his expression didn't look fake, Bing let go of him in a daze. He felt that he should calm down now.

What is the origin of the girl inside?
"Well, I..." Binger thought of something and was about to speak, but was slapped away by him, "Shut up!"

Didn't you see that he was going to digest the astonishment in his heart now!
Bing turned his head and stared at the closed entrance on the second floor behind him, showing puzzled eyes.

How could His Excellency say such a thing!
This is impossible!
You must know that there were people who broke into the second floor in the past, but their fate was not very good. They were punished at least, or kicked out of the academy directly...

But this little girl let Ye Wuzun relax, why is that!

"That, I want to say..."

"What the hell!"

"I just want to say that the girl inside is Ye Wuzun's apprentice!!"

"What!!" This is definitely more shocking than hearing the news that Ye Wuzun let Nalan Yue torment!
"If you don't believe me, you just need to go out and inquire for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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