Chapter 922 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 3
Bing Yi couldn't help shaking his head, what he didn't understand when he heard that she was the apprentice of Ye Wuzun...

"Sleeping Volcano"

As soon as Nalan Yue came in, she felt the heat waves blowing towards her face, wave after wave, which almost melted her.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a fiery red sky, not only the sky was red, but everything here was red!

The temperature is also unbearable for ordinary people!
Nalan Yue had expected this kind of situation to happen, her eyes looked very calm, and she turned the aura around her body to protect herself from being burned by the high temperature.

The Sleeping Volcano, just like its name, stands quietly at the northernmost point, in a sleeping state.

The rocks on the ground are crimson, and the magma flows out of the volcano's crevices gently, and the temperature also rises steadily.

Nalan Yue frowned. Apart from the sound of magma flowing out slowly, there was nothing else.

Oh no, there is one more thing - a mirror!
Yes, that is a delicate glass mirror standing on the opposite side of the volcano.

Mirror? ?
Nalan Yue's eyes were deep in thought, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she walked over on her feet.

The mirror is two meters long and half a meter wide. The frame is exquisitely carved, and the inside is clean and smooth glass. It is no different from the fitting mirror in the mall!
So what is the purpose of putting it here?

Anyway, it can never be as simple as a mirror!
Nalan Yue thought for a while, then walked directly in front of the mirror, a tall and slender figure immediately appeared in the glass mirror, the woman's face was like a painting, every stroke was like the most perfect masterpiece of God, alluring the city, the country, and the darkness fragrant.

It is like a lotus blooming after the rain, with a clean and refined temperament, and like the first halo in the morning light, noble and elegant.

The corners of Nalan Yue's lips curled up, and the person in the mirror also curled up, her vermilion lips turned red without a trace, incomparably sweet.

But Nalan Yue looked more and more wrong...

Because the figure in the mirror doesn't look like her, but it can't be said that it doesn't look like her, anyway, it's an indescribable feeling!
Nalan Yue stared at "herself" in the mirror for a long time, and her eyes were a bit forgetful, but she saw a strange smile on the person in the mirror.

Immediately, Nalan Yue felt chills from her back and even her entire body, and she couldn't help bending her toes, let alone her arms full of goosebumps!

She can be sure that the person reflected in the mirror is absolutely won't be her!
Because I didn't smile at all just now, let alone that weird smile!
Then there must be something wrong with the mirror!

"Get out!" Nalan Yue yelled immediately, swinging the whip, the little dagger was not by her side, she casually took out a good whip from the space.


The mirror in front of her was broken by Nalan Yue's whip, and the broken glass reflected countless faces of Nalan Yue, but Nalan Yue knew that these were not her!
"Hehe..." Suddenly, a sinister laugh came from the crimson volcano, and the person who laughed straight felt chills down his spine.

Damn, the most annoying thing is that this laughter is exactly the same as Nalan Yue's voice!
How dare you impersonate her! ? !

"Get out of here!" Nalan Yue squeezed out a few words between her teeth, wishing she could slap the person who pretended to be herself on the wall, and couldn't even unbutton it!
It's as weird as it could be to have your own laugh next to your ear, and what's more, you're not laughing at all!
Nalan Yue's scalp was numb.

(End of this chapter)

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