Chapter 923 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 4
Nalan Yue's scalp is numb
Just when Nalan Yue thought that the person who pretended to be her had given up, suddenly there was a blur in front of her eyes, a puff of smoke appeared, and suddenly a young girl appeared.

Nalan Yue stared at her so hard that her eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.
Ma Dan's looks exactly the same as hers, and the same makes her feel terrified!
Because, the girl on the opposite side is no different from her in terms of appearance, demeanor, or even the slightest nuance!

It was clearly another her, a copy of her!

"I'm your copy?" The girl in front of her suddenly sneered, and stared at her with clear eyes that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Fuck, now it's not only the appearance and demeanor, but even the psychology is synchronized!

How pitted is it?
Nalanyue watched her do the same movements as her usual, and felt a pain in the ass, oh, it turns out that every time she does this movement, she looks like a queen...

Madan, off topic again...

"That's right, you are a copy! Lao Tzu's copy!" Nalan Yue fought back, she naturally couldn't let a fake pretend to be aggressive in front of her eyes, dirty eyes!

"I'm not happy, I'm not happy that your mother showed the prototype, let me see who the evildoer is..." Nalan Yue opened and closed her small mouth, saying that death does not pay for life.

The fake was frowning tightly, his eyes were horribly low, but his face was calm, depressing calm.

There is no madness and impulsiveness that Nalan Yue wants to see.

Nalanyue couldn't help but her heart tightened, she originally thought that fakes were fakes, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't turn them into real ones, but at this moment, Nalanyue put away such ignorant thoughts!
She had to admit that the fake in front of her was another her, the real her!

Or, in other words, it was the mirror copy of her who was exactly the same...

She should have thought earlier that the problem was in that mirror!

In other words, the reaction of this fake is actually Nalan Yue's real thoughts when facing the incident just now, and Nalan Yue has to admit that if someone scolds her like this, she will not be angry but will... beat her up people!
Speaking of beating...

Nalan Yue suddenly had a bad premonition, and quickly raised her head to look at the fake. Sure enough, she was holding a long whip that was exactly the same as her hand with a tense face, and was attacking aggressively!
Damn, is she really that grumpy?A person who strikes at the slightest disagreement, and slaps him in the face...

Damn, this is definitely not her style!

Na Lanyue can't tolerate overthinking, because the whip is close at hand!

Nalan Yue hurriedly dodged to the side, if she was a second slower, her pretty face would be disfigured!

"Hide? Let's see where you can hide!" The fake clenched his fingers tightly, his lips curled up indifferently, but the long whip in his hand didn't stop at all, he flew up and swooped down from midair.

"Who said this girl is going to hide!" Nalan Yue gave her a contemptuous look, and immediately raised the whip in her hand, turning passive into active, and directly killed her!

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The fake stared.

"This sentence is given to you intact!" Nalan Yue glanced at her with a smile, and then punched her in the face with both arms.

Uh huh, she is called treating another person in the same way as another person!
When the fake saw the whip, he immediately wanted to dodge it, but Nalan Yue had already stood behind and kicked her in the butt——

(End of this chapter)

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