Chapter 924 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 5

Here, the fake exclaimed, even though he turned his head away, there was still a shocking scar on half of his cheek, and bright red blood flowed down half of his cheek.

Tsk tsk, Nalan Yue stood aside and looked at her embarrassed look.

Maybe it was disfigured, and the fake mood became irritable, growling like a wild beast, "How can you hit yourself so hard!"

"Is it heavy?" Nalan Yue asked nonchalantly, "You're just a copy anyway, I can't feel any pain when I hit you!"

Fakes hurt...

Nalan Yue glanced at her disdainfully.

Haha, but don’t tell me, just now she kicked the fake’s butt. The little butt is actually her own butt. Haha, it’s super soft, much softer than the modern butts that are made of silicone pads. up!

Yes, yes, and that slashed cheek, alas, even though there is a scar, it still looks so amazing, so people with good looks are good-looking no matter what...

That's right, my sister is that good-looking girl!

"Nalanyue! How shameless are you!" The fake had the same heart as her, and his face turned red with anger when he heard these ugly words.

"Hey, why don't I remember that I have such a thin skin?" Nalan Yue stared at her flushed face, couldn't help shaking her head, holding back a smile in her eyes, and then preached like an old pedant, "So Ah, a fake is a fake, no matter how hard you pretend, it won't become real..."

"You said, am I right?"

Nalan Yue's smile trembled wildly, and her eyes stared at this fake who was exactly like herself.

"That's right!" The fake is really going to be pissed off, you have said a lot of shit, yet you dare to turn around and ask her if she is right!
To Nima!
"Look at the trick—" The fake thinks that if he can bear this kind of insult, he will go berserk!
"If you have any tricks, just release them!" Nalan Yue raised her finger and stared at her playfully.

The fake guy didn't get angry, and rushed up here with a coquettish shout, Nalan Yue was not a coward, and immediately used the Five Elements Formation.

But the counterfeit on the opposite side also used this trick...

"Grass mud horse, even the Five Elements Formation!" The most important thing is that it is much better than the real thing like her!

It hurts to change Nalan Moon Egg now!

"It must be better than you!" Fakes can be arrogant!

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still just a fake! Fake! Fake!" Nalan Yue followed the principle of saying important things three times!

Over there, the fake was really annoyed by being told, and he gritted his teeth immediately, "So what about the fake, as long as I kill you, I will be real! Who dares to say that I am fake!"

Kill her, she is real?

Nalan Yue couldn't help but her heart tightened, her pupils shrank, but after a while she regained her composure, as if she couldn't understand her words, "Yo, are you admitting that you are a fake?"

The fake didn't expect that Nalan Yue's main concern would no longer be killing her himself, she would replace her, instead he kept mocking her.

"Damn you!" The fake got angry, and the attack power of the Five Elements Formation was also pulled to the peak by her.

"Damn it's you!" Nalan Yue's cold words were like icicles, and there was no such thing as the foolish person from before.

The reason why she was concerned was not that the fake would replace her, it was because——she would never die!
And fakes must die!
(End of this chapter)

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