Chapter 925 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 6
"Arrogance, arrogance!" Fake really despised her arrogance, how could she be so arrogant!
Especially in such a situation where the enemy is overwhelming him, the fake really doesn't know how Nalan Yue has the courage to think like this!
So, a fake is a fake!
Nalan Yue was too lazy to have sex with her, so she swallowed the elixir to supplement the lost spiritual energy, and continued to expand the power of the Five Elements Formation.

But the fake product does not need to replenish the aura, no matter how much aura she consumes, she can restore her full state in an instant, and the blood tank will always be full!
In addition, the level of fakes is about one and a half stars higher than their own.

This is simply a battle of great disparity in strength!

And the reason why Nalan Yue was able to delay for so long was because the counterfeit on the opposite side was herself, so she could guess what tricks she would use next!

But it won't last long at all...

Her aura will be depleted, but fakes won't. No matter how many pills she has, she doesn't have more time to waste!

To be promoted to Martial Sect, Grand Master Alchemist, these are all imminent things!
I can't tolerate Na Lanyue wasting time with this fake anymore!
"Want to end the battle early?" The fake raised his eyes and stared at Nalan Yue playfully with those clear eyes.

Nalan Yue couldn't help frowning like that, she wanted to complain, she hugged her shoulders and looked at her sideways, "Speaking of which, fake you obviously looked like this girl before, but how can you transform so much now... you can't continue acting gone?"

"Nalanyue, you will die here today!" The counterfeit ignored her complaints, but sneered quietly, with a sharp sneer that made people sound uncomfortable, "And I... will replace you, Possess everything you have now, whether it is a man or a master!"

Nalan Yue's complexion instantly turned dark and cold, and her voice was as cold as ice, "Since you want to die, why don't I help you!"

good very good!

If you dare to threaten her by taking her as someone you care about, then be prepared to die!
"Invincible Medicine Cauldron, show up!" When all the spiritual pets were still on the first floor of Linglong Tower, only it was still obediently staying in the space!
"Haha..." Looking at Nalan Yue's almost crazy appearance, the fake couldn't help laughing out loud, the laughter was piercing and ruthless.

Smile, laugh, or there will be no chance!

Nalan Yue's face was like a calm lake, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she summoned the invincible medicine cauldron, and suddenly shouted, "Magma, wake up!"

Suddenly there was a strong wind blowing around, and the wind and waves were scalding hot. The magma that was flowing quietly at the foot of the volcano was actually trapped in the invincible medicine cauldron by Nalan Yue's phone!
The fake frowned, at this moment she couldn't read Nalan Yue's heart, she couldn't help but panicked, and immediately growled to cover up her strangeness, "What the hell are you doing!"

People were typing over and over again, trying to read Nalan Yue's voice.

"****** you little bitch! Let you pretend to be a girl!" Nalan Yue sneered in a low voice, seeing through her guilty conscience with a single glance, heh!
Still trying to read her mind?
"Don't waste your time, let me tell you, you can only hear this girl's inner voice unless I want to let you hear it, otherwise..." Nalan Yue raised her lips, "You won't have a chance in your next life, oh no, you'll be here soon!" No chance!"

"Invincible Medicine Cauldron, let her taste the taste of magma!" Nalan Yue suddenly reached out and hooked the Invincible Medicine Cauldron, motioning it to aim at the fake and fall down!
 It's so sour to see Yueyue tearing up the fake products... And for the little princes who asked when the hero will come back, I will tell you, will he be back soon?And it comes with a little surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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