Chapter 926 Second Floor of Linglong Tower 7
Following Nalan Yue's order, the Invincible Medicine Cauldron, like a well-trained soldier, immediately aimed its mouth at the fake on the ground.

"Let you taste my power, magma, kill this bastard!" Invincible Yao happily poured down the magma,
But the fake is not a fool, naturally she can't stand like a fool waiting for the magma to splash on her head, and she immediately ran away when the invincible medicine cauldron was about to come down.

So what if she slipped away, Nalan Yue quickly chased after her and stopped her, growling, "Five Elements Formation, go!!!"

Nalan Yue directly used the five-element array to trap the fakes inside, and used the rich fire element around her to continuously replenish the five-element array with energy.

But the five-element formation of the fake is stronger than Nalanyue, so it is easy for her to rush out of the five-element formation, and Nalanyue didn't think about trapping her for a long time, but——

Nalan Yue suddenly smiled, and made a gesture to the Invincible Medicine Cauldron, it immediately understood, took advantage of the moment when the fake rushed out of the Five Elements Formation, and poured the hot magma down!

The magma made a sound like burning and colliding, and it was about to fall on the fake's head, and horror and fear filled her eyes.

Looking at this scene, looking at "self" who is about to be swallowed by the magma, Nalan Yue couldn't help sighing, this scene really seemed to be that she was surrounded by the hot magma.

So cruel...

It's so cool, I told you to pretend to imitate my sister again, can you imitate my sister!


The truth was not as cruel and pleasant as Nalan Yue thought, but when the magma was about to fall, that fake also used the five-element array to protect himself, and stored the remaining magma!
Depend on!The scourge will last for thousands of years!
Ma Dan's, Nalan Yue is about to go berserk, almost all the villains and enemies she meets in this world have a strong vitality like Xiaoqiang, and they can't be killed no matter what!

Now even the "duplicate" in front of me is running around!

The fake finished all this in the blink of an eye, leaving Nalan Yue unable to react at all. She laughed and looked at Nalan Yue with a trace of pity in her eyes, "Tsk tsk, it's your turn to smell the magma now!" tasted..."

Her gaze suddenly became fierce, staring at you can make you feel extremely suffocated.

"Magma, burn her to death—" The fake shouted violently, and waved the five-element array, the five-element array that stored the magma was extremely red at this time, and the red light could almost blind people's eyes.

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes slightly, and saw that the Five Elements Formation Cloth was coming towards her at an incalculable speed, and the heat wave was rolling like the scorching sun in the dog days.

Even at such a time, Nalan Yue still didn't feel the slightest sense of panic, instead she moved in a leisurely manner, making the Invincible Medicine Cauldron sweat for her!
But next second...

The painting style suddenly changed!

"Invincible, Yao Ding, how long do you have to wait until you get out of here, I didn't see that my old lady is about to be roasted!"

Invincible Medicine Ding Khan!
Since you are so restless, why do you insist on showing a calm look, making me think you are a little phoenix, who can shuttle through firepower at will!

"You fucking don't roll down yet!" I didn't see that my mother was about to be swallowed by magma!

Alas, I said before that the scene of the fake product being swallowed by magma is very real, but now she is so real!
"Come on, master, jump up!" At the critical moment, the invincible medicine cauldron stepped forward, it couldn't really watch its master turn into a roaster!

After all, it doesn't taste good like that!Ha ha……

(End of this chapter)

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