Chapter 930 The Most Powerful Fake 4
First, the white bones were exposed, and then the bones also disappeared, turning into drops of water and falling into the magma below.

But Nalan Yue never spoke.

The more calm Nalan Yue was, the more flustered the counterfeit was, and seeing the lower part of herself that had disappeared, how could she remain calm, roaring, red-eyed, "Say, what did you do to me?" What, I'm going to kill you, you vicious woman!"

She wanted to move, but her legs were gone, and the upper half of her body that was disappearing could not move at all.

She seemed to have been locked in mid-air.

As long as Nalan Yue thinks, he can kill her anytime!
The eyes of the fake are finally filled with fear.

"You say I'm fierce?" Nalan Yue finally opened her mouth after a while, with a light smile and needles hidden in her eyes, "You are right, I am fierce, but turning you into blood is better than turning us all into blood." For the good of blood..."

"Tell me, right!" Nalan Yue finally gave her a bewitching smile, and tapped her lightly, " the way, I forgot to tell you that this is the bone-transforming water, so you can die even if you die." clear……"

"There will be an explosion here in ten seconds, I wish you the antidote!" Nalan Yue pushed her down without any emotion at the end, watching her body fall into the magma bit by bit.

Heh, didn't she keep saying that she would replace her? She was sure to prepare the antidote for Huagushui at the last moment, but could she? !

"Nalanyue, you must die—" the fake roared with all his might.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Nalan Yue's mouth, and she looked down at her who was about to be swallowed by the magma, "It's a pity, there is a person dying right now, and it was broadcast live! It's wonderful!"

The fake's eyes turned scarlet because of anger, staring at Nalan Yue until the magma swallowed her.

Fakes are finally dead...



one! !
It happened to be at the last second of the volcanic explosion. Originally, Nalan Yue could feel the ground trembling in the distance, and the magma rushed out like a water column.

The sky is red like blood against the magma all over the ground, it is truly terrifying!
But at the moment the fake died, the surrounding magma dissipated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, the temperature gradually dropped, and the volcano calmed down again.

It was as calm as when Nalan Yue first came in.

Nalan Yue raised her feet and flew down from midair, and happened to land on the place where the original mirror appeared.

At this time, the mirror is gone!
As for when he didn't get it, Nalan Yue didn't pay attention, anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, doesn't it!

Just when Nalan Yue was thinking about how to get out of here, her eyes suddenly blurred, and she felt as if something had landed on top of her head.

What are you doing again!
The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, she narrowed her eyes, and looked up, and immediately saw a circle of golden light lingering above her head.

Holy crap, has my sister turned into a little angel?
Nalan Yue was stunned for half a second, her brain suddenly short-circuited.

"Congratulations, get a blessing once..."

When her brain was still unconnected, an emotionless voice suddenly appeared in her ears, like the narration voice that often appeared in movies, without any ups and downs in her tone.

But what blessings?
Nalan Yue finally came back to her senses and thought about this question, but the golden light was already one step faster and slowly sprinkled the radiance on her.

The crystal halo, like beads with broken strings, rushed to land on Nalan Yue's body.

Nalan Yue immediately felt her body lighten up, for a moment she felt that she was about to turn into a butterfly, and she was about to dance lightly...

Cough cough, let’s get down to business, not only the body has become lighter, but also
(End of this chapter)

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