Chapter 931 All kinds of weird fakes 1
Nalan Yue finally came back to her senses and thought about this question, but the golden light was already one step faster and slowly sprinkled the radiance on her.

The crystal halo, like beads with broken strings, rushed to land on Nalan Yue's body.

Nalan Yue immediately felt her body lighten up, for a moment she felt that she was about to turn into a butterfly, and she was about to dance lightly...

Cough cough, let's get down to business, not only the body has become lighter, but also there seems to be a burst of heat flowing through the dantian, and it soon becomes swollen, like a water-filled balloon.

As the light spots fell more and more, Nalan Yue could feel that her dantian was more swollen.

She couldn't help raising her head to look at the light dots that shrouded her. She couldn't touch it but could see it. Thinking about the changes in her dantian, Nalan Yue couldn't imagine that the changes in her dantian must be related to that "blessing". There are relationships.

"Ding." In the end, Nalan Yue seemed to have found a breakthrough in her dantian, and was finally promoted to a four-star Martial Immortal.

After being promoted, the angelic halo above her head disappeared, and she herself was also shaken, and was teleported out from here.

After she came out, Nalan Yue still had a blank expression on her face. She inspected her body in disbelief, and sure enough, she was already a four-star Martial Immortal!
"What kind of blessing is so awesome..." Nalan Yue couldn't help talking to herself.

Does that mean that every time you pass through a door, you can get blessings?

If this is the case, is he still far from being promoted to Wu Zong rank?

Oye, Mama no longer has to worry about my promotion!
Obviously, I thought too much... I can see from the volcano before that it is very difficult to defeat myself, not to mention, who knows if this "blessing" is random!
But now I can't control that much anymore, Nalan Yue gritted her teeth and walked towards the door of "Death Desert", which represents the element of gold.

As soon as she entered, Nalan Yue was dazzled by the oncoming yellow sand, and her whole body was choked by the sudden storm of yellow sand.

"Ahem...fuck it!" Nalan Yue cursed in a low voice, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that the yellow sand in the sky was swirling, forming a huge vortex, making it impossible to see the distance clearly.

Nalan Yue immediately found a relatively quiet place to stay, narrowed her eyes before slowing down, and raised her eyes to look ahead.

Ahead, the yellow sand is billowing, and the sky and the earth are gray and misty, but occasionally there is a glint of light flickering.

Nalan Yue took a closer look, and saw a mirror standing there quietly, and the surrounding yellow sand avoided it, as if it was something terrible.

In the vast desert, this mirror looks very abrupt and eye-catching.

Another mirror!

Nalan Yue couldn't help rolling her eyes, and stepped on the yellow sand with one deep foot and one shallow foot, avoiding the center of rotation of the yellow sand, and walked over slowly.

Just like before, a girl who was exactly the same as Nalan Yue was reflected in the mirror. Unlike the arrogance of the fire-type fakes, the gold-type girl smiled calmly at Nalan Yue, and walked out of the mirror spontaneously.

Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes, staring at her closely.

The scene where the gold fake came out of the mirror was really amazing. The mirror seemed to be no longer a mirror, like a water curtain, and the girl walked out through the water curtain all over the sky.

After she walked out, the mirror disappeared completely in place.

"Hello." She greeted Nalan Yue very politely, her eyes were always calm, so calm that it was hard to figure out what she wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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