Chapter 946 Successfully Promoted 1
Nalanyue couldn't help a burst of contempt, you said it's not good to find any problems, but you still have to find a sharp turn in the brain, isn't this the rhythm of rushing to her!

something so simple...

Nalanyue felt that if she couldn't handle this bright element, then she could really restore the factory settings!
However, the sharp turn of the brain is just the beginning, and the real big fish is yet to come...

Maybe it was enough playing with the bright elements, Nalan Yue's mind suddenly turned into a series of numbers and weird codes, and countless characters appeared in front of her eyes, which seemed dazzling.

Nalan Yue was silent, narrowed her eyes slightly, folded her arms, and let the numbers float back and forth in front of her eyes.

When she was confused, she heard a cold mechanical voice, "Untie it, the light element is yours!"

Such blunt and rude words, Nalan Yue couldn't help but touch her forehead.

These complicated numbers and codes in front of me are like little tadpoles. I am afraid that a real mathematician may not be able to unravel them, but Nalan Yue is different-her brain is comparable to a computer, and her precision is terrifying. !
She closed her eyes slightly, feeling the regularity of these numbers, then opened her eyes suddenly, took out the banknotes and quickly counted. She looked very serious when she was doing the calculations, and sweat kept rolling down her forehead.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Nalan Yue still maintains the posture of calculating the problem, as if she wants to keep calculating...

And the little witch outside, seeing that Nalanyue couldn't be killed again and again, her veins were already bulging faintly, standing in front of Nalanyue, muttering something in her mouth.

With every word that came out of her mouth, Nalan Yue's brows were also furrowed tighter and tighter.

When the little witch saw the effect of the insanity spell on her, the speed of opening and closing her lips became faster and faster!
As for Nalanyue, she was clearly doing the calculations well, but there was always a weird singing voice in her ears, disturbing her, and her hand holding the pen was a little unsteady, and her sweat was like rain. , falling down one after another.

But the singing in her ear was getting louder and louder, and Nalanyue felt more and more impetuous, coupled with the fact that she couldn't solve the problem in front of her for a long time, she became irritable.

How could she not know that someone was causing trouble outside, she tried hard to calm herself down, but the singing sound was desperately drilled into her ears.

As soon as she heard the singing, the silence she deliberately wanted to keep was shattered!

Can not give up!

Never give up!
Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue tightly, blood dripped out, because the tip of her tongue was full of nerves, so she became more awake after biting her.

The topic has been calculated halfway, if you give up now, everything will fall short!

So absolutely not!

Nalan Yue grabbed the pen again and quickly wrote down a series of numbers.

The singing torture made her almost crazy, but in the end she endured it forcefully. Nalanyue knew that as long as she solved the problem, she would be completely liberated, so no matter how painful she was, she would not give up.

Nalan Yue persevered with strong perseverance. She had almost calculated the string of numbers and codes, and there was only the final calculation left.

When she picked up the pen again to calculate, the singing in her ear suddenly became violent, like a violent storm, hitting her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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