Chapter 947 Successfully Promoted 2
It painful...

It was almost as if all twelve ribs were broken, and the pen in Nalan Yue's hand fell to the ground instantly, making a crisp sound.

She was bent into the shape of a shrimp, in extreme pain, sweating profusely, and her eyes were scarlet.

And the singing continued, every sound seemed to provoke the nerves in her mind to rebel, making Nalan Yue almost lose control!

It's insanity! ! !

Nalan Yue's aching and numb mind suddenly thought of this word, which shocked her from the bottom of her heart.

The reason why I know about the sorcery of soul-stirring is that during the last match in the imperial city, Meng Luo was controlled by a pair of sisters, and what the strange pair of sisters used was soul-stirring!

Later, Ye Jin went to investigate the matter, and she also got some understanding from the unknown old man!
The unknown old man said that the source of the soul-hunting technique is——the priestess clan!
Miko family! ?Nalan Yue's mind felt like it was going to explode, thinking about it made her head hurt even more.

Damn, isn't it said that the witch clan has already lived in seclusion?And she never provoked them, why would they come to hurt her!

Nalan Yue was puzzled and wanted to ask the unknown old man about more specific matters about the Miko clan, but the link in the space was already blocked by the barrier set by the light element!
Grass, Nalan Yue feels like she is about to die, this damn light element is actually sent to play with her from time to time!
The only way in front of her now is to calculate the problem!
Well, I have to do the math with that grueling singing voice!

Because so far no one has a method to crack the soul-hunting technique, even if there is, Nalan Yue doesn't know it!

She could only grit her teeth, pick up the pen and continue to calculate the problem, calculate the problem and calculate the problem, she must figure it out, so that she can go out and kill the little bitch outside!
The world is icy and snowy, the cold wind is howling, and the world is silvery white.

The little witch's cultivation base is not high, and the secret technique of soul-stirring consumes a huge amount of spiritual energy. Seeing that Nalan Yue has not been controlled, she is secretly anxious, and raises the soul-stirring technique to the highest point, but it seems that she still treats Nalan Yue month has no effect.

How to do?
The little witch didn't stop using the soul-hunting technique until her aura was exhausted, and Nalan Yue immediately accelerated the calculation speed because of the sudden disappearance of the singing voice. Who knows if the singing voice will come back again.

She swore that if she went out by herself, she would smash that bitch who used the soul-absorbing technique, shoot it on the wall and then pick it off, and then shoot it again...

Nalan Yue hadn't finished masturbating yet, the tormenting singing, which was actually the soul-stirring technique, was about to hook her soul again.

But Nalan Yue smiled at this time, the corners of her lips curled up like a goblin, she dropped the pen in her hand, and said, "Perfect!"

The moment she solved the problem, the bright elements of the sky suddenly came and fell on her body like rain... Nalan Yue suddenly felt a feeling of being washed, and her whole body was light and comfortable.

Being at the bottleneck of the Nine-Star Martial Immortal, it seemed that he was relaxed, and then he was promoted naturally!
"One-star Wuzong..."

The imprint of the phoenix on the eyebrows also appeared, vivid and especially bright.

Her already fragile skin has become fairer, with a slender figure and a slim waist. Her facial features seem to have been fine-tuned to become more refined and three-dimensional. Her eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and her lips are pink and tender. A pro Fangze.

The temperament is also sublimated, noble and compelling, holy and pure, like a ray of breeze blowing by, clean and clear like a delicate goblin.

(End of this chapter)

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