Chapter 953 Successfully Promoted 8

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

After laughing, someone finally asked the most critical question.

"Yueyue, have you become a master alchemist yet?"

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, she knew that this group of bad friends were most concerned about this!

She hesitated pretending to be reserved, deliberately to whet their appetite, "I..."

"How are you?" Murong Qing'er and the others immediately approached her, and looked at her expectantly while holding hands, "Could it be that you are already a master alchemist?"

Seeing their anxious looks, Nalan Yue suppressed a smile, and really didn't want to hit them, "Actually, I..."

Just when Nalan Yue was about to tell the truth, Murong Qing'er suddenly raised her hand, and Dan Feng stared at her, "Boss, you don't need to talk, the boss is so powerful that he has already been promoted to a master alchemist!"

"..." Is this considered flattery?
Nalan Yue pursed her lips.

"Boss, isn't it!" Murong Qing'er asked.

"..." Can she not speak!

Nalan Yue pursed her lips again.

Does anyone want to beat Murong Qing'er to death like her? If so, please raise your hand!
"No, Yueyue, talk to me!" Feng Chu and Meng Luo jumped out and looked at her anxiously, while the others also had anxious expressions.

On the contrary, Nalan Yue was the calmest one.

"Hasn't Yueyue been promoted? But I clearly feel that her strength is much stronger than before..." Murong Xiaoman said depressedly, but why didn't Yueyue speak!
While everyone was waiting impatiently, Ye Wuzun came, wearing a white soft robe, silver hair partly, with an indifferent expression, and walked slowly.

The little friends who were around Nalanyue couldn't help but part ways, clamoring for Nalanyue to say whether he was the little friend of the master alchemist, and they all shut their mouths at this time.

As soon as Nalan Yue looked up, she saw the master walking towards her with a blank face.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she wrung her hands behind her back in guilt, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

I secretly groaned in my heart, bad!The master must have come to laugh at her, who made her not promoted at all in three months, maybe she will be expelled from the teacher's school!
Thinking about stealing the fire element in Linglong Pagoda before, and now that she has not completed her master's confession to become a master alchemist, how can Nalan Yue not feel guilty!

It's just guilty of dying, okay?
it's over... it's over...

This time I'm going to die!
Alas, if I had gone one step earlier and went to retreat quickly, I would not have been caught by Master!

Murong Qing'er, if my old lady is expelled from the school, I will be the first to strangle you to death!

"Ah Qiu—" In the crowd, Murong Qing'er couldn't help but sneezed, and she was still happily thinking about who was thinking about her, but she didn't know that she was already missed by Nalan Yue!

Seeing the changing expression on her face, Ye Wu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips slightly, he just wanted to see if she was injured, why was he so scared!

Where is Nalan Yue afraid, she is obviously more guilty!
"The one who hurt you is a witch from the witch clan, and the person who let her in is already under investigation, so you don't have to worry too much!" Ye Wuzun looked at her drooping little face and said quietly.

At first, it was not the ridicule and scolding that she expected, but caring about her!
Nalan Yue's heart warmed up, she bit her lower lip with her white teeth, raised her palm-sized face, "Thank you, Master, for your concern, it's just..."

"Just what?" Ye Wuzun frowned, thinking she was worried about the witches.

(End of this chapter)

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