Chapter 954 Ye Jin is Back 1
But when Nalan Yue saw his frown, she thought that he had thought of the fact that she had not yet become a master alchemist.

Nalan Yue, Nalan Yue, tell me how stupid you are!He hit the muzzle of a gun!

Tell you to talk too much, but what is it!


But I've already said it, so she might as well admit it herself!I hope that Master can also let her go this time because of her voluntary admission of mistakes.

Well, it is Jiangzi!

"Master, I haven't been promoted to the Grand Master refining medicine..." Nalan Yue finished speaking in one go.

After she finished speaking, she just lowered her head and pretended to be dead.


Before Ye Wuzun could make a sound, Murong Qing'er and the others immediately exclaimed and stared at her in disbelief.

Who can tell them why there is such a big turning point!It is said that it has been promoted...

On the other hand, Ye Wuzun frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized that this little disciple himself was worried about this problem.

When Nalan Yue heard their breathing, she couldn't help but stare at them sadly, if it wasn't for these guys to stop her, she would have slipped away long ago!
How can I be caught by the master!

The current master doesn't like her in the first place, so he probably will punish her... It's been a long time since the master spoke, Nalan Yue raised her head hesitantly and apprehensively, imagining the expression of Ye Wuzun.

And he was expressionless, with deep eyes, staring at her with an unpredictable expression.

He didn't speak, but Nalan Yue's heart skipped a beat.

The atmosphere was extremely weird, even the noisy Murong Qing'er and the others didn't dare to show their anger after the previous exclamation, and quietly looked at the pair of master and apprentice.

"Master..." Nalan Yue couldn't help but sighed in her heart when she saw that he had been silent, and said her plan, "Please give me another day, Master, and I will definitely be promoted to Grandmaster Alchemist!"

She said this is by no means arrogant, but she has a certain degree of certainty!

Because when she first came out of Linglong Pagoda, she wanted to go back to retreat and refine medicine immediately, but when she met Murong Qing'er and the others, the master came just after she said a few words, making her unable to leave even if she wanted to !
Seeing that the master was still silent and cold, Nalan Yue couldn't help repeating, "Master? Is it okay?"

"Forget it, I'll give you another chance..." It is difficult for her to be promoted to the Grandmaster rank in three months, but if he had to, how could he be willing to make things difficult for her!
"Thank you, master!" Nalan Yue immediately beamed with joy when she heard that her master had agreed to her, her eyes crooked when she smiled.

Seeing her amazing smile, Ye Wuzun lowered his head slightly, staring at her small face, a slight tenderness flashed in his eyes, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, "Tomorrow morning, come to Qingzhu Garden."

After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave here.

"Yes, Master!"

Ye Wuzun who turned around had a wider smile on his face.

He was really poisoned too deeply, he was poisoned by Nalan Yue, and there was no cure for it...

However, Nalan Yue was not happy for too long, and the friends around him, led by Murong Qing'er, immediately surrounded her, all gearing up, with malicious smiles on their faces.

Looking at the posture, it looks like Nalan Yue is going to give Nalan Yue a violent beating!
The smile on Nalan Yue's face froze, her eyes narrowed like a smile but not a smile, she stared at the group of bad friends who were close to her, "Want to fight? Let's come together..."

Don't say they want to beat her, she wants to beat them too!

(End of this chapter)

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