Chapter 956 Ye Jin is Back 3
Nalan Yue took out the locator that had not been turned on for many days while walking, and when she opened it, she saw several messages from Ye Jin.

She couldn't help but stop, and quickly clicked to open——

"Yue'er, have you returned from Linglong Pagoda?"

"If you come back, just stay in the dormitory obediently."

It was only two messages, but Nalan Yue looked at them for a long time. The sun all over the sky fell on her face, casting a layer of light, and the corners of her lips curled up.

After reading it, Nalan Yue replied, "The golden light in the body has been lifted, and it's time to throw down the male god!"

Sent successfully!
The smile on Nalan Yue's face deepened, what should she do, she found that she was becoming more and more dirty...

Uh huh, Murong Qing'er must have brought it up, um, it must be Jiang Zi!
Murong Qing'er: "..." comparable to Dou E's injustice.

But Nalan Yue didn't notice that standing behind her was Beihuangge with a gloomy face.

He knew that Ye Jin must have brought her such a pleasant smile on her face. That smile was really beautiful, so beautiful that he would never forget it...

Beihuangge was clearly standing under the bright sunshine, but the whole body exuded a strong chill, her thin lips were tightly pressed,

Walking into her own room in the villa, Nalan Yue was about to go into seclusion, and rushed to the master alchemist!

But when she sat cross-legged and was about to enter the space bracelet, she heard some small voices coming from the window... as if someone had climbed through the window.

Who doesn't have eyesight and dares to climb her window!

Nalan Yue's eyes turned cold, she immediately jumped off the bed, walked quickly to the window, and took out an extremely sharp little dagger.

Before she got to the window, she immediately saw a hand stretched out, holding tightly to the window, Nalan Yue held her breath, bent her arm, and immediately stabbed the dagger in her hand——

However, before the little dagger was stabbed, the man had already jumped in through the window, quickly knocked out the little dagger in Nalan Yue's hand, and took her into his arms.

The whole process is as fast as the blink of an eye.

In front of him, Nalan Yue couldn't resist even one move, the small dagger fell to the ground, and she was embraced by the man. The man's embrace was somewhat familiar, yet strange...

But because the man came around and attacked her as soon as he came in, and his speed was too fast, so Nalan Yue hadn't had time to see his face clearly.

"Grass mud horse, let go!" Thinking it was some disciple, Nalan Yue stabbed the man's waist and abdomen with the meat hidden in his sleeve.

As long as the silver needle goes deep, the man will be destroyed.

But what about men...

Instead of being angry, he smiled, and said ambiguously in a playful voice, "Didn't you mean to throw me down? Now this king has come to your door!"

Unexpectedly, she remembered the male voice that haunted her in her dreams, and Nalan Yue's hand holding the silver needle froze for a moment, and it stopped at the man's waist, then slipped from her palm and fell to the ground in an instant.

Her expression was dazed, her pupils shrank slightly, as if she hadn't recovered.

But Ye Jin, who hugged her waist from behind, hugged her tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones, "Yue'er, I miss you so much..."

The man's voice has changed a bit, becoming deeper and more magnetic. When he says her name, there is always an indescribable lingering meaning.

sounds so good.

Nalan Yue thought.

As if finally recovering, Nalan Yue broke away from his arms, stared at him face to face, and called out his name affectionately, "Ye Jin, you're back!"

(End of this chapter)

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