Chapter 957 Ye Jin is Back 6
And Nalan Yue obviously wanted to refuse, but under the touch of the man, she became more and more addicted, like a boat floating on the sea, urgently needed a huge wave to beat her to death on the shore!


The clothes were torn, and the cold air of November came into contact with her skin instantly. The cold made her skin crawl up with goosebumps again, and her mind finally had a sober light.

It was so fierce, she almost fell into the bloody hell again!
This made Nalan Yue deeply aware of the charm of the man in front of him, like a poppy, once contaminated, he couldn't stop, and if he continued like this, he would be captured sooner or later.

Looking down at the man who was working so hard to make strawberries on her body, Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, and he waved him feebly, "My aunt is here..."

The man who was working hard suddenly raised his face in doubt, but he didn't react when he heard the word.

Immediately afterwards, the phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly seemed to think of something, with a strange smile, "I remember your sunflower water days better than my own emperor's birthday!"

So this lie is the same as the previous one, no draft!

Nalan Yue: "..." Grass mud horse!

Are you sure it's really good to compare the emperor's birthday with her aunt's period!

Seeing that the man was going to continue, Nalan Yue hurriedly exclaimed to stop him, and hurried to show off, "I really can't, Master only gave me the last day to be promoted to Grandmaster Alchemist!"

I thought the man would continue regardless after hearing this. After all, a man's anger doesn't fade easily, but he suddenly listened to it. He clasped her life gate with his hand, released his spiritual energy, and checked again.

Mingmen is an existence comparable to a dantian for a cultivator. Nalan Yue can give him all this, which shows how much she trusts him!
When Ye Jin finished confirming, she immediately gave her a sad look, pulled her up from the bed, and found a new dress to put on her. When she saw the fair skin, her eyes still couldn't help but darken.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and the blue veins could be seen throbbing carefully. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was holding back very hard, and it was very uncomfortable!
Nalan Yue leaned against the head of the bed innocently, staring at him with blinking eyes.

Seeing her innocent expression, Ye Jin was furious, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a mermaid begging for dissatisfaction!"

"Not really..."

"..." I was about to be pissed off by my little girl. Is there any way to subdue him? Wait online!

After a long time, Ye Jin sighed and pulled her into his arms, "You, you are such a torturer! This king's illness depends on you!"

What? ? ?
"What do you mean?" Nalan Yue said that she didn't understand, not at all!
"It means... the king's illness needs to be healed by the virginal blood of my concubine!" Ye Jin patted her on the head, picked up a strand of long hair and put it under the tip of her nose to sniff.

"You're talking nonsense!" Nalan Yue turned her face to stare at him, she has profound knowledge of medicine, she has read thousands of books, why has she never heard of a place where blood can cure diseases!
Even if there is, it's either made up by people or just a sorcery!

"Really!" Ye Jin said seriously.

"..." Nalan Yue stared at him silently.

She naturally knows about his illness, but sometimes he loses control, and then his strength becomes even more severe, but the damage to his body is too great, but as for what he said| blood saves people, she doesn't want to Tucao!
(End of this chapter)

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