Chapter 102 Lovely Woman

"I'm afraid this won't work. Only those with a VIP card can enter the upper area!"

The two security personnel shook their heads at the same time. The upper area is only for VIPs.

Anyone without a VIP card will not be able to enter.

"Then I don't want mine anymore, return it to your boss for me!"

When Shishi heard it, she immediately became unhappy. She covered her face with a heavy face, and directly threw her VIP card on the ground, turned around and pulled Ling Tian to leave.

"Miss Chu, don't be angry, let's ask our superiors for instructions!"

Just when Ling Tian thought they were about to leave, the two security personnel hurriedly picked up the card on the ground.

They looked respectful, as if they were afraid of offending Shishi, and hurriedly reported to their superiors through the walkie-talkie.

"You can go in!"

I don't know what they said, but soon, two security personnel walked up to Shishi holding the VIP card in both hands.

"It's almost there!"

Shishi snorted coldly. After receiving the card, she ignored the two security personnel and walked towards the inside while pulling Ling Tian.

Seeing the respectful security guard standing there, Ling Tian was even more curious about who this Miss Chu was.

In the upper area, only those guests with VIP cards can enter.

Drinks and meals here are completely free.

"Miss Chu, you are so powerful that you can even get this VIP card!"

In the bar, Ling Tian was holding a wine glass, looking at Shi Shi sitting opposite him.

This poem is getting more and more mysterious, what is she hiding.

"Master, don't make fun of me. In fact, my uncle is the ship owner's housekeeper. He helped me get it."

Holding a wine glass, Shishi said to Ling Tian with a smirk.

"is it?"

Looking at Shishi with a red face, Ling Tian didn't press for anything.

"By the way, have you seen Titanic?"

Shishi's eyes are shining brightly, perhaps tonight is the happiest day for her.

Without any scruples, without too many rules, she smoked and drank, and she became the bad girl who couldn't be.

"Isn't it a little bad to talk about this on the boat?"

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, the sudden appearance of Shi Shi really had too many ghostly ideas.

"Let's go, let's enjoy the sea breeze, I want to play on the bow too!"

Shishi pulled Ling Tian up, and she was a little shaky when she was a little drunk.

But her smile was so happy and excited, she pulled Ling Tian out of the bar gate.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Ling Tian had no choice but to follow Shi Shi, who was holding on to her hands and feet.

But he didn't see that pair of eyes in the dim bar, looking at the two people in the distance.

"Looks like he's enjoying it!"

The mysterious man smiled slightly, stood up, and quickly disappeared into the dim bar.

His appearance and departure are so mysterious, but a conspiracy has always surrounded Ling Tian.

The sea breeze is blowing gently on the sea surface, and the cruise ship cleaving the waves is still sailing on the endless sea.

In the endless darkness, Shishi stepped on the cold deck with her bare feet.

The sea breeze blew through her hair, standing on the bow of the boat, holding on to the railing, and shouting constantly, she is so cute.

"Be careful!"

I don't know if it is influenced by the movie of Titanic, but girls like to stand on the bow, which is very dangerous.

Ling Tian had no choice but to support the slightly drunk Shishi and stand there with her.

"I'm going to fly!"

Shishi smiled foolishly, but tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

With her arms open, she seemed to be crazy at this moment.

"Okay, okay, come down!"

Of course Ling Tian couldn't see Shishi crying, he held her waist, he only knew that she was not happy.

Suddenly, Shishi turned around, and with her arms outstretched, she rushed towards Ling Tian who was behind her.


Shi Shi slipped under her feet, she suddenly lost her center of gravity, and she fell forward uncontrollably when she was drunk.

Ling Tian hurriedly reached out to help, but because the deck was too wet, Ling Tian was also crushed to the ground by Shi Shi.

"My goodness!"

The back of Ling Tian's head came into close contact with the splint, but because he held Shishi with both hands, she was not injured.


Shishi also felt a tightness in her chest at this moment, and she found out when she lowered her head to look.

"Let go!"

Shishi blushed and her heart beat, today was not the first time Ling Tian took advantage of her.

After Shishi yelled at Ling Tian, ​​he hurriedly let go, but now the two of them are still pressed together.

As Ling Tian let go, Shi Shi directly pressed on him.


Suddenly Ling Tian pushed Shishi away, followed by a burst of vomiting, Shishi sprayed directly on the ground.

"so close!"

Seeing Shishi kneeling on the ground vomiting continuously, Ling Tian stood up hastily.

If he was half a second slower, he would probably be sprayed all over his body by Shishi.

This girl did drink a lot tonight, so Ling Tian hurriedly stepped forward to help Shi Shi pat her back.


But after filming for a while, Shishi actually burst into tears, the sadness of the crying is really amazing.

Ling Tian didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only squat there, but at this moment, Shishi rushed over.

She hugged Ling Tian tightly, tears kept streaming down her face, and after she was drunk, her emotions completely collapsed.

"Master, I am so miserable!"

Tears soon soaked Ling Tian's clothes, but Shi Shi still couldn't stop crying.

"What's the matter? Tell the master?"

Ling Tian supported Shishi and walked aside, but she was still crying in his arms.

"I can't even control my own marriage, why should I be a puppet all my life!"

Shishi burst into tears, how terrible it is that she wants to marry someone she doesn't even know.

"You can refuse?"

Caressing Shishi's beautiful hair, it turns out that this is the source of her pain.

But Ling Tian didn't understand, could the happiness of a lifetime be decided by others, she could resist.

"I dare not, so I want to become bad, I want to be a bad woman."

===How many old readers from the strongest army soul, leave a message in the message area, don’t make me think that you all abandoned me, the message area is so quiet===
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(End of this chapter)

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