Chapter 103
Shishi cried more and more sadly, since she was a good girl since she was a child, she really didn't know how to resist.

In her memory, only that kind of little girl can be lawless.

That's why she swears, swears to become a bad girl, so that she has the courage to face the unfair marriage.

"It's not a bad woman who can resist everything!"

Shishi's current words sounded as immature as a ten-year-old child.

Ling Tian couldn't imagine what kind of environment it was that made Shishi so obedient.

But what Ling Tian can be sure of is that she cannot become bad.

"I can do it, I can do it, master, make me bad!"

Shishi raised her head, her red and swollen eyes looked at Ling Tian with tears.

"Okay, now if you don't take a shower, you'll stink!"

Ling Tian pinched Shishi's little nose, this girl was so innocent in her bones.

How can such a girl become a bad woman?

"I'm so tired!"

Only now did Shishi realize that she had been nestling in Ling Tian's arms.

With a blushing face, she stretched out her arms and hugged Ling Tian's neck, and said shyly.

The scene of the Titanic, perhaps many girls will dream about it.

Met a naughty guy on a luxurious cruise ship, and now she really did.

"Okay, what's your room number?"

Ling Tian smiled and picked up the coquettish Shishi directly, and walked towards the cabin.

Shishi was lying in Ling Tian's arms, resting her head on Ling Tian's chest, she was so dizzy at this moment, she felt so relieved.

It was already early morning, and there was no one in the corridor. Holding Shishi in his arms and stepping on the thick carpet, Ling Tian walked towards the inside.

Reaching out to open Shishi's room door, Ling Tian walked into the guest room on the upper floor.

In the spacious rooms, with a sense of comfort.

All the lights are hidden in the dark, giving the whole room a hazy feeling.

Fantasies are fantasies, this sudden encounter still made her a little uneasy.

In any case, it was only five or six hours since they knew each other.

Could it be that she is really going to give this most precious thing to a stranger?

She has been studying in a lady's school since she was a child, and this is definitely the craziest thing in her life.

But Ling Tian will not forget who he is, and knows what he should do even more.

"Don't move, dare to touch my fiancee, I will kill you!"

Suddenly, a figure pushed the door and entered, holding a pistol in his hand.

Ling Tian looked back and couldn't help being taken aback, but he didn't resist.

The person who came in was less than 20 years old, and he might not be able to support Ling Tian's kick even if he was skinny.

Especially the gun in his hand turned out to be a toy gun, which really insulted Ling Tian's IQ.

However, he was full of anger, but he still approached Ling Tian in a dignified manner.

"Then shoot!"

Ling Tian stood up straight with a smile on his face, and waved to the boy.

"I... I... I!"

But he stood there stuttering, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, stop making trouble, he is my friend!"

Shishi hurriedly stood up, and after tying her hair, she said to the young man who rushed in.

"your friend?"

The boy pressed everything in front of him suspiciously, but the toy gun was still held high.

"Yes, so I'm fine, you go out!"

Shishi didn't want to explain anything, she just pushed the boy out and locked the door inside.

"what's going on?"

Ling Tian sat on the bed curiously, looking at Shi Shi who looked embarrassed, what happened tonight was really strange.

"He is my best friend, he is here to protect me!"

Shishi was also very embarrassed, and hurriedly explained to Ling Tian, ​​it's just that her best friend is not very reliable.

In the room, the two sat on the bedside, and Shishi told Ling Tian what had happened.

That is her childhood playmate, and the relationship between the two of them is also the best on weekdays.

Seeing Shishi's appearance, he suggested that two people travel together, so he came to this cruise ship.

Regarding Shishi's request to turn bad, he was helpless, because he was also a good boy since he was a child.

So Shishi came up with an idea to let him wait in the opposite room.

If he gets caught by mistake, he begs to use his body to solve it, and then bring the man back.

After seeing two people enter the door, he rushed over, pretending to be his fiancé, just scaring them away.

Such a perfect plan is full of loopholes in Ling Tian's eyes.

How many men would obediently go back to her room with her?

Even if they went back to the room, facing such a weak fiancé, few people would probably run away.

"I just forgot about it, so..."

After Shishi finished speaking, she looked at Ling Tian with embarrassment.

Being held in Ling Tian's arms, she felt very uneasy.

Completely forgot about this matter.

"It's okay, I don't care about a toy gun!"

Ling Tian smiled and shook his head, he is not a coward, but this incident made him feel that there is something hidden behind Shishi's innocence.

"Then I'll take a shower first!"

She just vomited all over the floor, her body was still smelly, Shishi hurriedly stood up, pulled up the bath towel and walked towards the bathroom.


Looking at the shy Shishi, Ling Tian nodded.

What is this girl hiding, this is what Ling Tian most wants to find out.

Because of his special status, Ling Tian, ​​who is squinting his eyes, is afraid that there are cunning traps behind this, and now he has to consider whether he should leave.

As for Shishi in the bathroom, she was so uneasy in her heart, her childhood education and everything in front of her were running counter to each other.

Especially, she still has this undisclosed identity, if she tells Ling Tian, ​​I don't know what he will think.

In this way, amidst the anxiety, Shishi washed for four or ten minutes before walking out.

The alcohol did not dissipate, but evaporated due to the hot water.

Shishi, whose hair was still dripping, was standing at the door of the bathroom.

It made the blushing on her face even more beautiful, with a pair of affectionate eyes and a shy look.

(End of this chapter)

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