Chapter 107 Marriage Restriction
"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Now I'm talking to my fiancee. People who have nothing to do with you, get out!"

The man stared at Shishi standing behind Ling Tian, ​​and when the words fiancee came out, Ling Tian was taken aback.

Without looking back, Ling Tian could feel a bit of coolness from Shi Shi's trembling little hands.

She didn't refute it, it was obvious that she was really his fiancee.

"So what? Obviously, she doesn't like you!"

Now Ling Tian suddenly understood what she had been repeating after getting drunk last night.

She couldn't even make a decision about her own life, so that meant that it was this person who troubled her.

"Get him out!"

The man was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and yelled at the bodyguards on the left and right.

The two black bodyguards immediately walked towards Ling Tian, ​​they were tall and strong, like tigers pouncing on their food.

"Is it just you?"

A sneer flashed across Ling Tian's face, he pushed Shishi behind him, and rushed forward, taking the initiative to charge towards the guy on the left.

This black man was a full head taller than Ling Tian, ​​with a hulking back, he didn't take Ling Tian seriously at all.

He reached out with both hands and grabbed Ling Tian's shoulders directly, intending to take advantage of his size to capture Ling Tian.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian suddenly shortened his body, and separated his hands with his hands raised high.

With both feet exerting force, Ling Tian jumped up suddenly, kicked his chest with his left foot, and kicked him directly on the chin with an upside-down golden hook with his right foot.

Spinning 360 degrees in the air, Ling Tian landed on the ground again, following this guy's bottom, his companions rushed up immediately.

With a swish of his right fist, he hit Ling Tian who was crouching on the ground. The wind of the fist was fierce, and the target pointed directly at Ling Tian's head.

For a tall bodyguard, this punch is more than a thousand catties. If he is hit, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Ling Tian just dodged to the right, and raised his hands to clasp the opponent's right arm.

With a pull, he stood up abruptly, and kicked his right foot backwards, right on the bone facing him.

The severe pain combined with punching made him lean forward. Using this strength, Ling Tian threw him to the ground directly.

As soon as he rolled, Ling Tian was on top of him, and he, who hadn't understood it yet, felt his eyes go dark.

Ling Tian's right fist hit him hard on the bridge of the nose, he let out a scream from the pain, and fell to the ground, covering his bloody cheek with both hands.

"Such a good bodyguard shouldn't need to spend money!"

Ling Tian stood up, kicked him again without forgetting, and looked at the stunned man standing at the door with a sneer.

Of course he knew his bodyguards, these guys were all foreign mercenaries who changed jobs.

Because this trip will pass through many pirate-infested places, he, as the heir of the shipping group, has always been accompanied by such a powerful guy.

Moreover, the bodyguards on the ship are all professional security company personnel, and most of them are soldiers who have been on the battlefield.

But he never thought that such a powerful guy would fall to the ground after taking a step or a move in front of Ling Tian.

Speechless, he stared at everything in front of him in astonishment.

"Okay, now that you're done with it, you're paying me back now, aren't you?"

Ling Tian sneered, like a ghost from hell, shaking his wrist, he was about to beat someone up.


But at this moment, Shishi hurriedly grabbed his arm.

Ling Tian didn't know who he was, but she knew that if Ling Tian really beat him, then things would become serious.

"Okay, for the sake of my apprentice today, I will spare your life!"

Ling Tian shook Shishi's delicate little hand and said to the man.

"It's unreasonable, I order you to come here now, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

Unexpectedly, not only did that guy not run away, but he also threatened Ling Tian arrogantly, which made him even more annoyed immediately.

"Believe it or not, I put your head in your ass!"

Ling Tian's eyes shot out with anger, and he was about to hit someone, but he was still held tightly by Shishi.

"Master, thank you for coming to see me. I will never forget everything about last night. You can't control my affairs!"

Tears welled up in Shishi's eyes in an instant, and she looked so pitiful as she held Ling Tian's hand.

Every single word made Ling Tian feel very distressed.

"Shishi, don't worry, let me handle everything!"

Ling Tian held Shi Shi's hand, maybe a man is born with the courage to protect a beautiful woman.

Especially looking at Shishi's pitiful appearance, Ling Tian's heart ached.

"Hmph! A ruffian still wants to meddle in our affairs, Shishi, get out of here immediately!"

The man still had an angry expression on his face, and he was obviously furious with his purple face.

If it wasn't that he couldn't beat Ling Tian, ​​he might have rushed over long ago.

"Master, I'm sorry, forget about me!"

Shishi wiped away her tears, and walked quickly towards the door. She couldn't help but turn around, so sad.

But this is her own choice, and she refuses to ask Ling Tian for help, which makes Ling Tian's brute strength useless.

"Boy, wait for me!"

As soon as he pulled Shishi up, the man turned around with a proud face and left.

Only Ling Tian still stood there, looking at the gradually closing door.

All of this was lost and recovered, making him look hungry and bewildered.

But Shishi's last sentence of forgetting her really made Ling Tian feel an inexplicable pain in his heart.

Ling Tian, ​​who opened the door and came out, looked at the empty corridor, and suddenly felt a little disheartened.

He is a passer-by, and sooner or later he will disappear in front of Shishi, why should he bother with those things.

So Ling Tian turned around and got on the elevator, walking all the way down, he didn't want to stay in this place anymore.

"Things are going very well, and it looks like the assessment is ready to start."

In the corner, those eyes were still fixed on Ling Tian's back.

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he seemed to be in control of everything in front of him.

It's just that the people in his hands are completely unaware that they are being used, and the conspiracy has begun to close the net.

In the room, sitting on a comfortable sofa.

Ling Tian stared at the constantly beating TV screen.

Originally, he was going to go back to the cabin where he was supposed to stay, but by a strange coincidence, he walked back into this room again.

Sitting on the bed, he was watching TV programs indiscriminately, but those pictures kept echoing in his mind.

In Shishi's tears and grievances, as well as her helpless compromise, there must be some unspeakable difficulties.

However, Ling Tian couldn't take care of it at all, because he had other tasks.

After ordering a room service, Ling Tian tried hard to divert his attention while eating the unknowing taste of the meal.

In a trance, he fell asleep again. Fortunately, after eating, he always sleeps very soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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