Chapter 108 The Killer Arrives

Suddenly, Ling Tian opened his eyes. It wasn't that he was full of sleep, but that he sensed a dangerous signal.

His keenness on the battlefield allowed him to remain extremely alert even when he was asleep.

He hurriedly sat up, and tiptoed to the door of the room.

Putting his ears on the door lightly, Ling Tian could hear the slightest sound.

This is the sound of a person breathing, and judging from the sound, it is definitely not a person.

So he hurriedly backed away and came to the wardrobe in the corner. He got into the wardrobe and only looked out through a small gap.

The whole corridor is very quiet, if you don't distinguish carefully, you can't hear anything.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and at this moment, there was a slight sound from the door lock.

The door locks in the hotel are all card-sensing. Except for the owner, only the bar has it.

As the door opened, the door was gently pushed open, but it only opened a gap before stopping.

Before going to bed, Ling Tian hung up the chains inside, so there was only a gap to open outside the door.


Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open, followed by several figures, and came in.

"Puff puff!"

The two leaders immediately pulled the trigger on the big bed, and the silent pistol hit the bed with precision.

After buttoning it seven or eight times, the people behind stepped forward and lifted the quilt. When they saw the empty bed, they were stunned.

But he reacted quickly and rushed towards the bathroom.

"Your uncle, you are so ruthless!"

Needless to say, these guys in black suits must be the subordinates sent by the man who forced Shishi to leave.

Ling Tian, ​​who was clenching his teeth, suddenly became angry.

I spared his life, but he sent someone to kill him instead. In this case, he doesn't need to be polite.

Just when a strong man rushed into the bathroom, Ling Tian who was hiding in the closet pushed the door and shot out like a tiger.

With a wave of the dragon rope tied with his left hand, it wrapped around his neck strangely, and when he pulled it hard, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

At the same time, Ling Tian clasped the pistol in his right hand with his right hand. The pain in his neck made him instinctively return to help with both hands, and the gun was immediately snatched by Ling Tian.

With a turn of the body, Ling Tian pressed his back against his lower back, pulled him with his left hand, and directly lifted him up, while the sharp dragon rope was deeply embedded in his neck.

He was bleeding profusely, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe. His limbs kept struggling, but he was unable to recover.

The huge body became Ling Tian's best cover, and as he pulled the trigger, several bullets were shot out immediately.

"Puff puff!"

Even these guys who had been on the battlefield did not react to the sudden attack and the swift and flowing killing move.

The bullets were embedded precisely between their eyebrows, and with the corpses falling to the ground, Ling Tian let go of the corpses on his back.

In just a few seconds, the five guys who rushed in were all killed by Ling Tian.

Compared with Ling Tian, ​​who was trained to be a killing machine since childhood, they are really too young.

"Bastard! If I don't kill you, do you really think you are very powerful?"

Ling Tian dragged the corpses and put them into the bathroom one by one.

Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble if it is discovered.

This time he made up his mind to settle accounts with him, not for Shishi, but for himself.


Just when Ling Tian packed everything up and changed into blood-free clothes, he was about to go out.

Suddenly there was a sound at the door, which made him rush out vigilantly.

Ling Tian, ​​who was extremely fast, directly raised the muzzle of his gun, and at this moment he could clearly see the person in front of him.

"Do not kill me!"

It was none other than Shishi's best friend who came.

"How did you come?"

Ling Tian frowned slightly, and withdrew the muzzle of the gun in his hand, why did this guy come here suddenly.

"I'm here to look for you, but those guys are one step ahead of me, I dare not go in!"

The bitch was so frightened that her legs became weak, but she walked in with all her strength.

But looking left and right, he couldn't see the five killers just now.

"No need to look for them, they are all lying in the bathroom."

Ling Tian walked back to the bedside, lit a cigarette and handed it to Niang Pao.

Just relying on his courage, he almost peed his pants when he was pointed at by a pistol.

"I don't smoke, thank you!"

Unexpectedly, he still shook his head at Ling Tian in a motherly manner, he is really a good boy.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Ling Tian took a puff of his cigarette, sat on the head of the bed, and looked at the guy opposite.

"I asked you to save Shishi, she is so pitiful!"

When talking about Shishi, his eye circles turned red. This picture is really speechless.

However, from his circling words, Ling Tian probably also learned about Shishi's real experience.

He really didn't expect that Shishi had such a background experience.

Shishi's father is the chairman of a multinational corporation, and she has received a good education since she was a child.

She is proficient in all poems and songs, and she is gentle and elegant, very well-behaved and sensible.

She was deeply in love with her father, but she was surprised to hear the news a few days ago that his father had arranged a marriage for her.

And this fiancé who has never met is the first heir of the group to which this ship belongs, that is, the guy Ling Tian met yesterday.

After hearing this matter, Shishi refused to agree to death. She liked reading since she was a child, and she had too many expectations for her future marriage.

She cannot allow her father to interfere in her marriage for no reason, but she has been a good girl since she was a child, but she doesn't know how to resist.

She wanted to run away from home several times, but the bodyguards protected her 24 hours a day, so she couldn't escape.

And this boarding was actually to meet this fiancé whom she had never met, for this matter, Shishi cried many times.

Later, it was Shishi who tried to learn from being bad, so that she could be strong enough to reject other people's intervention, that's why she ran into Ling Tian and fell in love with her.

But he didn't want to be discovered by his father. That morning, the housekeeper took people and forced Shishi to go back upstairs.

At the bottom of that concert, sitting was Shishi's father, and the heir was named Wells, who was Shishi's fiancée.

And after being brought back by the butler this time, Shishi also knew a piece of news.

The reason why I want to hand it over to Wells is precisely because my father's company is cooperating with Wells' father's company.

It is very important for large groups to cooperate with each other, so marriages, which only existed in ancient times, are actually very popular now.

Now, rumors of the marriage between the two families have already spread, and the stock price has stopped falling because of this incident.

If the marriage is canceled, not to mention whether the Wells family will let it go, I am afraid that Shishi's father's company will also suffer heavy losses.

This is the reason why Shishi reluctantly followed Wells away yesterday.

After all, her father had gray temples, so she couldn't ruin the entire family's property just because she longed for freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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