Chapter 109 Poems Are Difficult
"If that's the case, why did you ask me to save her? How can I save her?"

After listening to his words, Ling Tian took a deep breath of cigarette and said.

Since Shishi is willing to sacrifice her life's happiness for the sake of her family, she can't even show up.

Otherwise, everything about her would be in vain, but I couldn't give her any protection.

"But yesterday, because of your matter, Wells already said that he would torture her for the rest of his life!"

The sissy said this, with tears in her eyes, yesterday he saw with his own eyes, Wells beat Shishi fiercely with a belt.

Poor Shishi could only curl up there, letting him beat and scold without daring to resist.

"Wells also said that he wants to turn her into a woman who is lower than a female branch girl, and wants to make many, many men sleep with her."

When hearing these words, Ling Tian couldn't help clenching his fists, he could imagine Shi Shi's helplessness at that time.

If you just give up like this, you will fall into hell with the sound of poetry.

"Also, in order to torture Shishi, Wells is currently preparing for a temporary wedding on the twelfth floor."

This is also why he rushed to find Ling Tian in a hurry. It turned out that Wells planned to hold the wedding directly through the jewelry conference.

In this way, from today onwards, she will live in his room, and he can torture him as much as he wants.

"My apprentice, let me see who dares to touch her!"

Ling Tian stood up and stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand.

He stepped forward and walked away, his eyes were bloodshot, he dared to treat a kind and simple woman cruelly, Ling Tian would never let him go.

The God of Death wakes up, he wants to break into the wedding, but he wants to see if anyone in this world dares to stop him.

At the same time, in the dark night, several speedboats are quietly approaching here.

On the speedboat, a group of armed pirates couldn't help but smirk.

The cruise ship in the distance is a very large fortune, and the women on board will also become their tortured slaves.

"A good show is about to be staged! I really don't know how Ya's performance will be?"

On the deck, a man was holding a wine glass, looking at the sea and the sky.

The moon didn't come out tonight, it was really a dark and windy night.

Ling Tian, ​​who was angry, walked towards the stairs step by step.

At this moment, all in his mind are Shishi's tearful eyes.

Although the two had known each other for a short time, her innocence was deeply embedded in Ling Tian's mind.

Her humiliation did not bring her any understanding, and now, what she needs most is herself.

The elevator door opened, and Ling Tian walked up, he wanted to prevent this from happening.


Just when the elevator door opened and Ling Tian walked in.

A waiter who came out from inside directly handed a note to Ling Tian.

Without stopping, he didn't say anything, and walked out directly.

For a moment, Ling Tian was the only one left in the elevator.

This sudden note made Ling Tian stunned, and hurriedly opened the note, there were only a few short words on it.

"After 10 minutes, disembark at the stern and leave!"

When seeing this note, Ling Tian didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Why would you send me a message at this time!"

Standing in the elevator, as the elevator slowly ascended, Ling Tian kept his head down, looking at the note in his hand.

Obviously, his stowaway career should be over.

If it had been an hour earlier, even half an hour, Ling Tian would have left here without hesitation.

But now, how can he leave? Shishi's pity and the upcoming wedding will be the beginning of her nightmare.

But Ling Tian had to leave, he escaped on the charge of treason, in order to carry out a special mission.

For this task, he paid too much, too much.

If he doesn't leave now, I'm afraid his mission will be ruined. Ling Tian, ​​who was caught in a dilemma for a while, just froze in the elevator.


The elevator slowly stopped on the twelfth floor, the elevator door opened, and the first thing that came into view were two bodyguards in black suits.

At this time, they were wearing sunglasses, looking at Ling Tian standing in the elevator, but Ling Tian just lowered his head, looking at the note in his hand.

No one spoke, time seemed to stand still, and the opened elevator door was slowly closing.

But just as the elevator door was about to close, suddenly, an arm stretched out from the elevator door, and grabbed one of the security personnel's neck strangely.

The sensitive elevator door, after finding an obstacle, immediately separated again.

As for Ling Tian who walked out of the elevator, his eyes were bloodshot.

His character forced him not to walk away like this. He clasped the guy's neck with his right hand and kicked the other man's belly with his right foot as he was about to draw a gun.

This grab and blow was like lightning, and the unprepared two security guards immediately fell to the ground.

With a swing of his left fist, Ling Tian directly hit the face of the choked security guard. He only felt his eyes go dark, and he was limp on the ground.

With a strong right hand, Ling Tian threw him into the elevator behind him in a coma. At the same time, he stepped forward and kicked the security guard who had just fallen in the face.

They couldn't bear such power at all, and as the elevator door slowly closed, the two unconscious guys left here like this.

After tidying up his clothes, Ling Tian threw the note aside.

He can think of a way to solve the task, but he must not ignore the difficulty of Shishi in front of him.

Stepping forward, his goal was directly at the jewelry exhibition, and at this time the jewelry exhibition was full of seats.

Basically, all the distinguished guests have rushed here. After all, the purpose of many of them is to take a look at the priceless jewels.

"Hi everyone, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this trip to paradise. I am the captain of this ship!"

The host came out wearing a white sailor suit. As the captain, he did not forget to wave to the audience.

"Let's not gossip, today we will bring to all distinguished guests, a very rare jewelry exhibition, please model!"

Following the captain's words, more than 20 beautiful models came onto the stage one after another.

They are beautiful and tall, but they don't have any expression on their faces. Their qualities as professional models let them know that others only see the jewelry on their bodies.

Shining rings, beautiful necklaces, and various gemstones are inlaid on the bodies of those beautiful models.

Nearly a thousand guests looked at the jewelry carried in amazement at this time. This jewelry show is definitely very fascinating.

Generally speaking, the people present are all expensive, and they either bring their wives or little secrets with them. Anyway, they will always be accompanied by the opposite sex.

So everyone is still very interested in this jewelry exhibition, especially the auction after the jewelry exhibition.

(End of this chapter)

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