Chapter 115

Stopping and stopping, Ling Tian planned to choose an inconspicuous area, so that even if he killed the guards, he would not be discovered so quickly.

But when he poked his head out again, he suddenly found that two guys with automatic rifles were walking towards this side from the passage.

"No, let's go!"

These two guys were dressed in the same black camouflage uniforms as the two guys who were killed before, and both wore weird masks.

The pitch-black AK47 in his hand was obviously not an old gun. Ling Tian hurriedly pulled Shi Shi and retreated towards the passage behind.

"Don't move!"

But just as the two of them retreated and prepared to evacuate, a cold shout came from behind them.

Ling Tian turned his head and saw that two guys in the same clothes just turned the corner and blocked them in the passage.

Ling Tian, ​​who felt his heart tightened, realized that it was not good.

There were this strange guy before and after, which made Ling Tian even more aware that something was wrong.

In the past two days, he was walking around in the clothes, and he also saw the guards here.

They are all in suits and leather shoes, and they are all equipped with M1911 pistols. I have never seen a guy in black camouflage.

And it's so weird why they're all wearing masks.

But now he was surrounded in a narrow corridor with Shishi.

If it was him, he might still have a fight, but now there is Shi Shi who is powerless beside him, which is troublesome.

"Shishi, don't be afraid, Master will protect you!"

Ling Tian lowered his voice, and hurriedly said to Shishi who was flustered.


Shishi, who was hiding in Ling Tian's arms, was trembling with fear, but bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from screaming.

"Don't shoot, we surrender!"

Seeing the masked man approaching with an automatic rifle, Ling Tian raised his hands and said.

"Kneel down and put your head in your hands!"

The two people who walked over with guns immediately yelled loudly, the muzzle of the cold gun was pointed at Ling Tian's head firmly.

"Okay! No problem, don't shoot!"

Now that he doesn't have the upper hand, Ling Tian can only bear it, he kneels down hastily and slowly, holding his head in his hands.

Accompanied by that guy's roar, the two masked men behind them also hurried over.

"Who are you?"

When they asked this sentence, Ling Tian was taken aback for a moment.

They are not killers who come to kill themselves, otherwise how could they not know themselves.

So who are they and why are they here armed with weapons.

The security personnel on the ship went there again.

A series of questions swirled in Ling Tian's mind, but he didn't have so much time to investigate.

"We're tourists, we're on our honeymoon!"

It is not difficult for Ling Tian to make up nonsense, especially with Shishi by his side, it is definitely a good cover.


One of the men sneered and raised Shishi's chin with the cold muzzle of his gun.

At this time, Shishi's tears were streaming down her face, but she bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying.

"Yes, brother, if you want money, I can give it to you, don't hurt us!"

Ling Tian nodded hastily, and at the same time turned sideways to block Shishi.

"Of course I have to give money, but well, this woman is very nice!"

The masked man smirked and looked at the shivering Shishi, such a poor little beauty of Shishi is definitely rare.

"Boss, boss, I have money, don't touch my wife, I'll give you money!"

At this time Ling Tian completely pretended to be an ordinary man, trying his best to convince that guy.

"Go away, I want your money, and I want your woman!"

All of a sudden, that guy directly hit Ling Tian on the head with the breech bolt, knocking Ling Tian to the ground in one fell swoop.

"Both of you, take him to the lobby!"

Looking at Ling Tian who fell to the ground, that guy stretched out his hand and pulled Shi Shi up from the ground.

"Why us?"

The two guys on the opposite side complained immediately, everyone could see what this guy was going to do.

"If you tell you to go, go, why are you talking so much nonsense, are you looking for death!"

The people around that guy immediately scolded coldly, and at this time that guy had already pushed open the door and pulled Shishi in.

"Well, it's just us who are unlucky, so let's go!"

Seeing the two people flashing into the side room, the two guys standing outside the door looked unhappy.

But helpless, they are veterans and they are rookies, so they can only kick Ling Tian.

The two people venting their dissatisfaction did not go to look at Ling Tian at this time, but wanted to see the spring light inside through the crack of the door.

Little did he know that Ling Tian, ​​who was curled up on the ground at this moment, had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

It's impossible to kill four people in one instant, but if there are only two of them, it's not a big problem.

So when that guy kicked him, Ling Tian didn't dodge or dodge.

He reached out with both hands at the same time, hugged the kicked foot, and at the same time kicked his left foot horizontally, directly on the guy's supporting leg.

He was kicked by Ling Tian's kick in the face, and he let out a scream, and he lost his center of gravity and leaned forward.

This was when his unlucky time came. Ling Tian's right foot was already ready to go, and he kicked upwards, directly hitting his exposed throat.

The huge foot wind directly knocked him to the ground. It was only a matter of a moment, and he fell to the ground with his arms around his neck and struggled unceasingly.

His left leg swept across, before the people next to him could understand, Ling Tian kicked his leg.

A sweeping kick kicked him to the ground, and at the same time, Ling Tian propped his hands on the ground, and threw himself directly at the fallen guy.

Grabbing the opponent's head with both hands, his right leg and knee stiffened his head. This impact made him dizzy immediately, and the hand holding the gun was released directly.

However, his hand was blocked by Ling Tian's right leg, and when he was pinned down and unable to move, Ling Tian's left knee hit the bridge of his nose again.

The continuous heavy blows knocked him unconscious immediately, and the exposed throat became a fatal position.

Ling Tian raised his right fist and slammed it hard on his throat, never showing any mercy once the killing move was released.

Just like that, within a few seconds, the two of them fell into a pool of blood, and the ultimate move of Secret Killer was indeed ruthless.

"What the hell are you doing, don't you want to live anymore!"

In the room, those two obsessive guys only heard half a shout from outside.

One of them opened the door impatiently, and angrily scolded, it's very annoying to be disturbed at such a comfortable time.

But when he opened the door, he saw three people lying on the ground.

The one who was terrified didn't understand what happened, but a Sen Leng gun had already been aimed at him.

"Da da da……"

Ling Tian lay on the ground and pulled the trigger. The AK47 shot at close range, immediately punching blood holes in his body.

The corpse was pierced by bullets and flew directly into the room. At this time, the masked man who was still pressing Shishi under him was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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