Chapter 116 The Cruise Ship Is Occupied
"Don't move!"

He hurriedly let go of Shishi with both hands, and reached out to get the gun from the wall, but the cold voice made him stand there and dare not move.

Ling Tian stood at the door covered in blood, looking at Shi Shi with messy hair on the bed.

If it wasn't for her, Shishi would probably be bullied by these people.


Shishi stood up and stood up, she hadn't called out since entering the room.

Biting her lips tightly, she firmly believed that Ling Tian would definitely come to save her, and the appearance of Ling Tian made her burst into tears.

"It's okay! It's okay!"

Hastily patted Shishi's head, Ling Tian glared at the guy in front of him.

"Don't mess around, the whole ship is ours, you..."

The masked man hurriedly opened his mouth, but just when he was still trying to threaten Ling Tian, ​​he suddenly noticed a golden light shooting from Ling Tian's eyes.

It was a murderous look, and only a devil who had killed countless people would have such a look.

This look alone was enough to make him feel speechless.

Now he really regrets why he put the gun on the table in a lustful way.

"Da da da……"

Ling Tian didn't want to waste a word, because talking to this kind of person was simply an insult to himself.

The bullets passed through his body continuously, and the internal organs flowed in the bloody hole that exploded.

Until he fell into a pool of blood, Ling Tian aimed the last bullet at his head.

With the snow-white brains exploding, Ling Tian dropped the gun on the ground.

A woman who dares to bully him, he will definitely let him die without a whole body.

"Shishi, let's leave first!"

Pulling Shishi who was still shivering, Ling Tian hurriedly rushed out of the room.

Picking up another weapon on the ground, he glanced at the still writhing fellow.

The throat was hit hard, he is now blue and unable to breathe, his eyes are protruding, and now he only wants to die.

He tried to reach out to grab Ling Tian, ​​but was kicked away by Ling Tian. Sometimes it is difficult to want to die.

"Shishi, hold on, let's find a place to hide first!"

The gunshots sounded, and the nearby enemies might come over soon, so they had to leave this position as soon as possible.

And now the situation has become more complicated, why did they suddenly come out to doubt the pirates?


At this moment, Shishi ran forward with bare feet following Ling Tian.

Too many things happened today, so much that her mind went blank.


With Shishi retreating, the speed was greatly slowed down. Even though Shishi had tried her best, she still couldn't escape the pirates everywhere.

Behind the two people, several people soon caught up, holding AK47, they pulled the trigger without any scruples.

Bullets kept exploding behind the two of them, Ling Tian held on to Shishi tightly, and turned into another passageway.

"Shishi, run forward, don't look back!"

This passage is too long. If two people just ran across it, they might be hit by the people behind.

In desperation, Ling Tian hastily pushed Shishi, turned around, and took advantage of the corner of the passage to shoot behind him.


Although terrified, Ke Shishi still bit her lips tightly, begging for forgiveness for so many years, her resilience is quite good.

She walked forward with bare feet, now she only had the instinct to run, even though she was sweating from exhaustion, she was still running.

"Don't move!"

Suddenly, a cold shout came, which made Shishi tremble with fright.

She is still wearing a white evening gown, and the fluffy skirt really can't run very fast.

"If you run again, I'll shoot you!"

Accompanied by the scolding, the bullet exploded beside Shishi, so frightened that Shishi immediately hugged her head and squatted on the ground.

Soon, a masked man ran over from the other side of the passage.

Looking at Shishi squatting there, he couldn't help licking his lips. This woman is not bad, but he didn't expect to be picked up by him.

But just when he was excited, a strange figure appeared behind him and locked his neck silently.


Tie Longsuo tightened his neck, Ling Tian carried him on his back, and did not let go until he stopped struggling.

"let's go!"

Holding that guy's gun, Ling Tian had ammunition again, hurriedly picked up Shishi, and ran towards the lower deck of the boat.

Holding Shishi's little hand, the two moved quietly.

After finally getting rid of each other, the two of them are now at the position of the splint.


Just when he poked his head out, Ling Tian immediately withdrew his head.

At this time, the deck is full of the opponent's men and horses.

And besides the AK47, Ling Tian also saw that there were militants with sniper rifles on the heights.

This guy's weapons and equipment are very strong, and reckless fighting is definitely not a good way.

Especially with Shishi, it was very difficult to move, so he had to find a hiding place for Shishi.


Just when Ling Tian was about to turn around and leave, there was a sudden sound of propellers, which made him startled.

He stopped, poked his head out of the corner again, and saw several transport helicopters flying slowly in the sky.

"what's going on?"

Ling Tian didn't choose to leave immediately, because the things in front of him made him more and more confused.

If these guys are pirates, they can only be said to be a group of well-equipped pirates.

However, most pirates are equipped with speedboats and the like. He has never heard of pirates having helicopters.

Could it be that the rescue force has arrived? This is not realistic.

After all, it was only over an hour since they left the banquet hall, and even if they left the banquet hall, it would definitely not exceed two hours.

In such a short period of time, even if a distress signal is sent immediately, it is not so easy to get rescue in the vast sea.

Furthermore, at this time, the helicopter lift platform at the bow was already firmly controlled by the opponent, and it was impossible for the helicopter to land.

Just when Ling Tian was still thinking about what happened, a helicopter landed on the tarmac first.

The militants in the helicopter immediately jumped out of the cabin, and the transport helicopter flew off the apron immediately.

As Ling Tian watched, a group of militants armed with American-made M16A1 automatic rifles arrived one after another.

They didn't wear masks, but all wore black hoods that showed only their eyes and mouth.

As for the black camouflage uniforms, they can get better cover in the dark.

Everyone is equipped with tactical vests, military boots, and their movements are even more uniform.

In terms of quality, they are definitely much better trained than the group of guys holding AK47s.

"what is happening!"

The situation became more and more complicated, and Ling Tian couldn't understand it any more.

But these are not important now, he must arrange a hiding place for Shishi as soon as possible.

This group of militants is checking the guest rooms one by one, and people are constantly being caught.

(End of this chapter)

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