Chapter 117 Shi Shi Injured
Sporadic gunshots were heard on the cruise ship from time to time, and some passengers who were trying to escape were probably killed on the spot.

"someone is coming!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Ling Tian hurriedly pulled Shishi to hide under the canvas on the ship's side.

The escape boat hanging here became their shelter.

After a while, several militants in black camouflage uniforms and hoods couldn't see their faces clearly.

"How come there are powerful guys on board, I think the pirates are too good!"

The three of them formed a small team, and they stopped beside Ling Tian and Shishi's hiding place, one of them couldn't help but said.

"Who knows, but isn't that what cannon fodder does?"

Another person sneered and took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it to the other two.

"That is to say, so what if they are all dead, but I heard that the eldest lady of the Thai Airways Group has not been caught yet. This is someone on the important guest list."

After lighting the cigarettes, the three of them leaned against the side of the boat and smoked. The sea breeze was blowing at night, which was very nice.

The conversation between the three fell into Ling Tian's ears verbatim.

But Ling Tian, ​​who was lying there, still listened without moving.

Speaking of which, this group of guys and that group of guys with KA47 are not the same, but they should all obey the command of one person.

So if that group of people are pirates, who are the guys in front of them?

As for the Miss Thai Airways Group they are talking about, I am afraid they are talking about Shi Shi who is under the pressure.

But now it was dark in the lifeboat, and Ling Tian couldn't see Shishi's expression.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, there was a roar, and several people instinctively threw away their cigarette butts and stood up straight.

"Report to the captain, we just finished the search!"

The three of them obviously felt a sense of fear, and Ling Tian immediately looked towards the other side through the gap.

At the other end of the corridor, three people also walked over, and the leader was tall and burly.

Ling Tian carefully observed these people's attire, trying to distinguish their differences.

After all, they all wear hoods and cannot see their faces. How do they distinguish between superiors and subordinates?

Soon, Ling Tian discovered that the armbands of each of them were different.

All three of them had only one star on their armbands, but the one who walked over had three.

It seems that they are using armbands to determine the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

"Have you searched here?"

The person called the captain pointed to the lifeboats hanging on the edge and said.

This sentence immediately made Ling Tian nervous, he didn't expect the other party to be so careful.

He didn't even spare the lifeboat, which was definitely beyond his expectations.

Although there is a gun in his hand, there are six people on the other side, and everyone is very close.

I'm afraid Ling Tian can only shoot and kill two people at a time at most, then as long as the rest of the guys sweep around, Ling Tian, ​​who has nowhere to hide, will be turned into briquettes.

Even if he can jump into the sea, there is absolutely no chance for Shishi under him to escape, isn't this troublesome?

"Report, we checked and found nothing!"

Fortunately, those three guys were afraid of being scolded, so they immediately admitted.

This made Ling Tian let go of his heart.

"Then let me check again from the bottom to the top. Let me tell you that there is a mysterious master on board now. Give me some energy!"

The captain snorted coldly and took out his pistol, which made all three of them tremble.

"If you're fooling around and give me a cigarette and a bullet, I'll leave it to you!"

As the captain spoke, he directly pulled the trigger, and the M1911 pistol immediately fired bullets.

The bullet hit the lifeboat on the side, splashing sparks.


The three of them hurriedly agreed, turned around and left. The captain was definitely not joking with them.

"A bunch of trash!"

The captain withdrew his pistol and led the people forward immediately. The originally noisy side of the ship immediately fell silent.

After waiting for quite a while, Ling Tian looked around and saw that there was no one around, then opened the canvas and jumped out.

"Shishi, let's go!"

After confirming safety, Ling Tian shouted to Shi Shi in the rescue cabin.

"Master, I hurt!"

But at this moment, Shishi gritted her teeth and said to Ling Tian.

"what happened?"

Ling Tian was taken aback, and hurriedly dragged Shishi out, but at this time, the snow-white evening dress was covered with blood.

It turned out that when the captain fired indiscriminately just now, a bullet shot into the lifeboat, and the bullet turned around, directly leaving a deep wound on Shishi's calf.

"Shishi, hold on!"

Seeing Shishi's pale face, she endured such pain without saying a word.

Otherwise, the two of them would have been exposed just now.

Ling Tian hurriedly turned over, returned to the lifeboat again, and grabbed a bag from the lifeboat with his hand.

It's a must-have in a lifeboat, and it just so happens to be available.

There are life jackets, waterproof flashlights, signal lights, sailor knives, hooking tools, waterproof matches, fresh water, compressed biscuits, canned food and life-saving kits.

Carrying a survival bag on his back, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and hugged Shishi up.

Stepping forward quickly, Ling Tian's goal is the machine cabin where he once sheltered.

According to what the Indian Ah San said before, it was a place specially developed by him, and no one knew about it except the two of them.

Soon, Ling Tian came to the previous exit, carried Shishi on his shoulders, lifted the splint, and quickly got down.

The machine room is still roaring, but there are no people here.

So Ling Tian carried Shishi on his back and quickly returned to his hiding place.

"Shishi, slow down!"

Gently put Shishi on the broken bed that she had been lying on before.

Ling Tian turned on the signal light, and immediately the small room was illuminated.

Ling Tian found another broken board and blocked the hole, so that the outside could not see the inside.

"Shishi, you have to endure the pain!"

Looking at the blood-stained white evening dress, Ling Tian gently cut off the hem of the skirt with a knife.

Soon a pair of fair and long legs appeared in front of Ling Tian.

However, now the left leg is bloody and bloody, and the bullet wound, even though it was covered by the cabin, still caused Shishi a serious injury.

At this moment, Shishi gritted her teeth tightly, not letting herself cry out, but the pain had already made her covered in sweat.

Ling Tian grabbed the slender ankle with one hand, and the sailor knife with the other. The most urgent task now is to take out the bullet inside.

"Master, come on, I can't bear it!"

Leaning there, Shishi summoned up her courage and said, clenched her fists, her face was pale.

"Then hold on!"

Ling Tian is also very distressed, but he has to do this, after all, he still doesn't know when he will be rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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