Chapter 118 Temporary Call
Now the ship has sailed into the subtropical region, so the temperature is very high.

If this wound dragged on for a long time, it might fester and become inflamed, and then her leg would be lost.


Shishi agreed, and closed her eyes firmly, while Ling Tian simply sterilized the sailor knife with a match.

Little by little, the Sailor Knife broke through Shishi's skin again, and Shishi suddenly felt a burst of burning pain.

Gritting her teeth tightly, she was unyielding and refused to cry out.

And Ling Tian poked the knife into the bullet hole bit by bit.

Finally feeling the presence of a hard object at the knife head, Ling Tian hastily and lightly pried open the wound, and removed the deformed warhead.

With the bullet falling, Shishi finally let out a sigh of relief.

However, it is not over now, after all, this inflammation must be eliminated, otherwise it will still fester.

Separate the bullet with a water hand knife, and pour the gunpowder inside on the blade.

Ling Tian sprinkled the black gunpowder around the wound little by little.

Without good hemostatic medicine, it is not easy to stop such a big blood hole.

"Shishi, if you can't help it, just call!"

Lighting the match again, Ling Tian aimed the flame at the wound bit by bit.

The gunpowder was ignited in an instant, and Shishi couldn't help but let out a scream.

In the air, there was a smell of barbecue constantly wafting.

Shi Shi, covered in sweat, leaned there weakly, feeling as if her entire body had been emptied.

Ling Tian used anti-inflammatory drugs, which were oral anti-inflammatory drugs, but were crushed by Ling Tian and spread all over the wound.

Only then did the gauze wrap around Shishi's legs.

"Drink some water, you need to rest now!"

Ling Tian took a bottle of water and handed it to Shishi.

She was covered in sweat, and now she was so weak that she almost lost the strength to speak.

The pain was still tormenting her, her lips were bitten, and she swallowed weakly.

Originally, the pain in her back had already made her feel as if she was dying.

But this time, the pain from being whipped was almost like tickling.

The gunshot wound made her really walk out of hell. After drinking some water, Shishi was still curled up there.

With her brows furrowed, she was still enduring the burning pain in her calf.

Without the help of anesthetics, she could only suffer in silence.

The little hand holding Ling Tian's arm was also weakly placed on the ground.

Ling Tian looked so distressed.

"You rest here, I'll see if I can find painkillers."

Seeing Shishi's painful expression, Ling Tian stood up, and there was no way to continue the pain.

After such an operation, her physical fitness has declined very seriously. It is best to find some nutritional supplements.

"Master, can you help me see my father? I'm worried about him."

Shishi's face was as pale as white paper, but she still missed her father.

Even if he forced himself to marry someone she didn't want to marry.

But after all, he is the father who raised him, and the family will never have an overnight feud.

"Let me see it for you!"

Now the ship is full of militants, and these guys are definitely not weak.

The reason why the captain would shoot at the cabin where they were hiding was probably not just to deter those subordinates.

Perhaps it was a kind of subconscious influence of being threatened, which made him instinctively turn the gun to that side.

There are definitely not just one or two such masters on this ship.

So Ling Tian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. After comforting Shi Shi with a few words, he stood up, turned around and walked out.

The inside was blocked with wooden boards, and Ling Tian found something from the outside to cover the entrance.

After looking at it, it was true that the entrance could not be seen, so Ling Tian turned around in peace of mind and walked towards the machine compartment.

All kinds of machinery supported the movement of the big ship, but Ling Tian didn't know about these things.

Carrying the snatched AK47 on his back, Ling Tian went back the same way.

After climbing up the ladder, pushing open the cover, and making sure that there was no one around, he turned over and rolled onto the deck.

Leaning sideways in the corner, Ling Tian looked around.

Suddenly, there was a tremor in his chest. Although the phone rang not loudly, it really startled Ling Tian.

He hastily pressed the answer button to stop the phone from ringing, and he quickly walked into a corner.

The dark corner can temporarily block his figure, Ling Tian lowered his voice and asked on the phone.


Except for Mu Lan, only You Yu knew about this call.

Who is it that calls at this time?

"Why didn't you act as requested?"

On the phone, Yu Yu's voice came, and at this time his voice was full of reproach.

"I can't leave temporarily because of something!"

Ling Tian couldn't argue at all, after all he had indeed received the order to evacuate.

But how could he leave Shishi behind like this?

"The superior is very dissatisfied with your performance, a soldier who doesn't obey orders, no matter how good he is, he's trash!"

You Yu's tone was cold, it seemed that he should be scolded by his superiors.

"I have my reasons, not on purpose!"

While talking on the phone, Ling Tian paid attention to the left and right sides.

Be careful at any time whether the patrolling armed elements will pass by.

"Let me tell you, if it weren't for your excellence, the superior would have given up on you to fend for yourself. You need to know your current situation."

You Yu was still so forceful when he spoke, it seemed that this time, he was also more angry.

"I know I know!"

Ling Tian can only be submissive now, who made him rely on the other party now.

"Two or 10 minutes later, the red lifeboat at the stern, put the boat in the sea, and I will send someone to pick you up!"

Ling Tian was stunned again by You Yu's words.

"So fast?"

Ling Tian never expected that You Yu would make another arrangement. What does this guy know.

Now that the ship is in such a mess, how can he arrange for him to leave, and even designate a certain lifeboat.

"What? Do you still want to fight those guys on the boat? What do they have to do with you?"

You Yu changed the subject and said with reproach.

"It's okay, it's okay, can you give me some time, I'm afraid I won't be able to get past those guys' blockade in 10 minutes!"

Ling Tian didn't dare to ask again, otherwise the other party must be suspicious, so now he can only delay as much as possible.

"If you don't even have this ability, you don't have to come back!"

You Yu didn't say much, and hung up the phone directly. Looking at the cut off phone, Ling Tian could only sigh helplessly.

There is not much time left, and it must be too late to save Shishi's father.

One can walk now, Ling Tian gritted his teeth, and continued to walk quickly towards the infirmary.

He decided to find anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, and leave here with Shishi.

(End of this chapter)

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