Chapter 120
However, before Ling Tian landed, a group of people walked past his eyes.

These guys have already come to the mechanical warehouse, which makes Ling Tian's heart tighten.

Fortunately, where Ling Tian was, the lights were dim, and no one had discovered this secret passage.

The military boots were on the iron pedals, so Ling Tian could know that they had gone a long way.

Returning back the same way lightly, Ling Tian looked at the cover that hadn't moved, and felt relieved.

Hastily stretched out his hand to open those baffles, and after pushing away the wooden boards inside, Ling Tian walked in.


Hearing the sound, Shishi hastily opened her eyes, the pain made her almost unconscious now.

"Lie down and don't move!"

After Ling Tian hastily put the boards away, he turned on the lights.

He walked quickly to Shishi and put Shishi on his lap.

"How is my father?"

Shishi didn't know how long it had passed, the pain of the wound made her live like years.

But her first thought was her father's safety.

"Take these medicines first!"

Ling Tian pulled out his waist, cut off the water, and asked Shishi to take the anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Then he took out a syringe and plunged the anesthetic into Shishi's leg.

All of this is done subconsciously, and it seems that they must have been involved in the training back then.

Now he really wants to thank those guys for training him so well.

"Master, I'm much better!"

The burning pain in the calf gradually became numb.

It seemed that the anesthetic still had some effect, which made Shishi let out a long sigh of relief.

"That's good, Shishi, I'm afraid we have to leave here first!"

Seeing Shishi's tightly locked brows slowly relax, Ling Tian immediately spoke.

Now that time is running out, he must go.

"But what about my father?"

As soon as she heard that she was going to leave, Shishi immediately grabbed Ling Tian's arm.

Now that her father's life or death is uncertain, how could she leave?

"Leave first and then think of a way. These guys are going to hijack the entire cruise ship. They will be thinking of other ways then."

Time was running out, Ling Tian knew he couldn't wait any longer, and no one knew where the cruise ship would be taken.


But just when Ling Tian was about to pick up Shishi, Shishi grabbed Ling Tian's arm.

"I can't go, if I leave like this, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian with unusually firm eyes. As a child, how could she just watch her father leave in distress.

"Shishi, listen to me first, we are leaving temporarily. If such a large cruise ship is hijacked, someone will definitely come to rescue it."

Seeing Shishi's firmness, Ling Tian hurriedly said.

He understands how a child feels, but now is not the time to act emotionally.

"Master, I really can't go, if I go, I will only suffer forever."

Shishi shook her head, she had made up her mind, she lost her mother since she was a child, she can't lose her father anymore.

Even if she was going to die, she would die with her father, not to mention her current body would only drag Ling Tian down.

"Would you like to leave if your father was here?"

Looking at Shishi's appearance, Ling Tian knew that once she made up her mind with a gentle personality, she would not change.

So Ling Tian looked at Shi Shi and asked each word.

"Master, don't take risks for me, these people are hard to deal with, just go!"

Shishi saw Ling Tian's determination in his firm eyes.

But she has seen the strength of these people before, even the guards are not their opponents.

How could Ling Tian save his father alone?

"Okay, you wait for me here, don't make a sound, wait for me to come back!"

Ling Tian directly put Shishi on the bed, his mind has been made up.

Seeing the board close again, Shi Shi leaned there, and Ling Tian's eyes were all in her mind.

To be able to work so hard for herself, Shishi really has nothing else to ask for.

I only hope that he can return safely, and when the time comes, I will be a cow and a horse, and I will be with him for the rest of my life.

After covering things up again, Ling Tian turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the machine cabin again.

Back on the deck, Ling Tian didn't immediately rush up.

Throwing aside the AK47 on his back, Ling Tian knew that although the gun was good, he would definitely not need it.

However, instead of throwing the gun aside casually, he found a string and made a simple trap.

Soon, everything was ready, and the string was tied to the trigger, forming a ground gun trap.

The muzzle of the gun is facing a location not far away, and the other end is tied to the railing. As long as someone touches it, the mechanism will open.

After setting up the trap, Ling Tian quickly ran towards the other side, with his waist bent, he moved like a ghost.


Leaning against a raised iron pier again, Ling Tian let out a long breath.

This iron pier should be used to bind the cables.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, he was still out of breath after running around continuously.

But now, he has to wait.

A little bit of time passed, and the entire cruise ship was strictly guarded.

Teams of soldiers patrolled the cruise ship in groups of three.

Ling Tian hid in the darkness, looking at the tight control in front of him, this was definitely not a temporary idea.

This matter must have been planned for a long time, otherwise they would not have their own duties.

In other words, You Yu must have known the other party's intentions a long time ago.

But why send yourself on board.

Everything in front of him was like a mess, Ling Tian leaned there, taking advantage of this gap to take a break.

"Da da da……"

At this moment, a burst of intensive gunfire rang out, breaking the tranquility of the cruise ship.

Ling Tian poked his head out hastily, the bullet was shot from the side.

The howling bullets aimed directly at a fixed guard on the third floor.

As a guard fell in a pool of blood, the people next to him immediately fought back.

"Good job!"

Watching the bullets fly by, Ling Tian was secretly happy, it seemed that his organs had been touched.

"Don't hit! Don't hit!"

Where the bullets shot out, the tragic screams could not stop the incoming bullets at all.

At the same time, several other positions also fired wildly at that corner at the same time.

The three unlucky ghosts soon fell into a pool of blood.

They didn't know what happened until they died.

The person who touched the mechanism would not know that the ground gun in the corner did not shoot them.

Instead, the muzzle of the gun was pointed upwards, aiming at the position on the third floor.

This will create the illusion that the people below are shooting at the third floor.

Before the people on the first floor understood, the counterattack from the third floor immediately enveloped them.

Taking advantage of the turmoil, Ling Tian jumped out, rolled on the ground continuously, and even crawled forward for a while.

==It’s Monday again, after reading it, remember to vote for a recommendation, five hundred plus one update, and the Dragon Tower and the reader’s QQ group number are all in the posts in the comment area, waiting for you to come==
(End of this chapter)

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